Ancestors (Original Poetry)

in Blockchain Poets5 months ago

Ancestors 01 - Original Poetry by Krisz Rokk

The longer I follow the white rabbit, the more I realize how little I know. As I wrote today’s poem, I had to think about the different techniques we deploy to have life-altering mystical experiences where we immerse ourselves in the unknown to leave our unique imprint on this planet.

In the past few years, I’ve noticed an increasing number of successful entrepreneurs and business owners dive into the realm of spirituality and openly talk about their adventures. Some use different types of plant medicine to squeeze their thirst for the mystical, others (me included) like to tap into our reservoir of DMT without using external stimulants.

I’m an avid student of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s breath technique as it enables me to super-charge my energy centers and thus explore a plethora of dimensions that are available to all of us in the quantum field.


Ancestors 02 - Original Poetry by Krisz Rokk

Ancestors (Original Poetry)

Heal, heal, my beloved heart
you’ve been judged so hard
by a parasite that captured the light
lowering the frequency to tear humanity apart.

I hear you weeping
while you’re fighting the shadows
that are desperately trying
to feed from your sadness and anger
while you’re pulling out the arrows.

Encapsulated in a rib cage
protected by darkness
a tiny sparkle with a strong desire
is asking for help from light beings
and wise masters.

A clear intention and a coherent partner
provide a direct connection to thy ancestors
flooding your sacred heart with love,
hope and laughter.

Blue light and white petals
I’m engaged in a mystical experience
with beautiful flavors
you know exactly what I’m referring to
my beloved dancer.

An electric body creating unique imprints
onto waves and patterns
moving rhythmically through the ether
grateful for the adventures as a seeker.

Wipe those salty tears from your cheeks
you never needed fancy wings
pull yourself out of the weeds
we’re here to help you when you’re fatigued.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎

Images: AI-generated images by Daniela S. via Midjourney

Quantum Stories and Poems by Krisz Rokk


This is a lovely poem, full of both beauty and emotional resonance. The use of sensory language, such as "blue light and white petals," "flavors," and "waves and patterns," is especially effective in evoking a sense of wonder and curiosity. The references to "the seeker" and "the adventures" add a sense of a journey towards something greater, and the overall tone of the poem is one of gratitude and hope.

@kriszrokk Thank you for sharing🤗

Indeed, it's meant to uplift the human spirit to continue its adventurous journey in this realm and add new layers to the overall mosaic we refer to as consciousness. Thank you for your kind words @chelsie-b

Hey, funny how we have a similar timing today and this being about rabbits. I'm at my @anlifit schedule and unfortunately have no patience to read your piece of art immediately. So I hope by leaving this trace I'll find back into this cavern. =8-D

Haha, you gotta love those rabbits 🐇🐇🐇 Happy New Year @anli! Wishing you and your loved ones an amazing 2024.

Now coming back, what a beautiful piece. Not about rabbits, yet on clear intention. Who or what is the "partner" reffering to? How nice to have a chance to ask the very author.

Wishing you and yours all the good as well.


Thank you anli. I'm glad you enjoyed my creative writing. Partner is referring to the mind. When the heart (magnetic) and the mind (electric) get into coherence, magic happens 😊

That's a magnificent metaphor. Downright scientific. 😊 I'm glad I asked !invest_vote

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@anli denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@anli thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

The longer I follow the white rabbit, the more I realize how little I know.

This got me and reminded me of the saying"Following the white rabbit can lead us to incredible new places if we're willing to take the risk.

Thanks for sharing 🤗

Beautiful poem, beautiful words, that resonated with me a lot, especially as we dive deeper and gain more sight.
I too like to tap into our reservoir, for me it's when I dance. I love both Estatic and biodanza.

So great to hear that you use dancing to connect to the vastness of the unified field. I absolutely love that! Thank you for stopping by. Thank you for your kind words, and Happy New Year to you and your loved ones 🎉🥂

Your poetry gives us an interesting imaginary, an interesting story of beings struggling between light and darkness.It has been a pleasant surprise to read you.

Thank you so much for your kind words Beatriz. I'm glad you enjoyed the plot. Have a wonderful day.

@anli denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@anli thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Good poetry my friend.

Wish you here more about the rabbit in the nearest future.