Fear (Original Poetry)

in Blockchain Poets3 months ago (edited)

Fear 02 - Original Poetry by Krisz Rokk

Fear is stored in the kidneys. It’s a low-frequency vibration, an altered state of consciousness. Fear is at the lower end of the spectrum, accompanied by nuances such as guilt, shame, and anger, to name a few.

Danger is real; fear is a choice, an illusion. This poison will captivate every single cell in your body, lowering your energy and tricking your mind into believing all kinds of false narratives. If you get addicted to this contracted state of consciousness and even call it your home, disease will be a natural consequence.

Know that you are a powerful being. Love your kidneys.


Fear 01 - Original Poetry by Krisz Rokk

Fear (Original Poetry)

A low-frequency vibe
pulsating from the inside
of a mighty organ
hiding in plain sight
thus tricking the blurry mind
into thinking it can survive.

I observed the mathematical code
stuck in the adrenal flow
unconsciously following a path
it was designed to control.

Two mighty towers
give you access to Earth’s power
once out of balance
intruders can access the palace
injecting malicious patterns
into your blood vessels.

Stripped of light and sound
a dark fluid engulfs your compound
pulling your majestic being to the ground
turning you into a slave of those around.

We call it fear in this realm
encoded carefully by soulless entities
in the illusion we interpret as life
an inverted reality shining brightly in disguise.

Its home is inside your avatar
locked in your kidneys
this is where it survives
an unwanted guest you might confess
how big is your addiction, I have to ask?

Remember, you’re the alchemist
the quantum architect,
a Starseed from the multiverse,
a super-human with galactic DNA
it’s up to you what you tolerate.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎

Images: AI-generated image by Daniela S. via Midjourney

Quantum Stories and Poems by Krisz Rokk


Wow! I love the definition of fear included in this poem. The understanding of where fear comes from, lives, and its effects on our being. Great poem! I don't know why I haven't been seeing your posts all this time! I don't come across them in my feed for some reason. I'll have to search you out I guess, because I love your work! Too bad my search bar is suddenly not working. Maybe you could tag me on the next post so I don't miss it? If you remember...

I'm glad you enjoyed my poem. Sometimes, explaining where lower vibrations get stuck in our physical avatar helps, thus giving our brothers and sisters another perspective on healing. Indeed, it's strange you can't see my posts even though you follow me. I'll tag you when I post poems and leave you out on my business posts.

Podría hacer mil y unos post del miedo, es ese gran enemigo que todos deberíamos verlo más bien como un virtuoso amigo, pues nos vino a enseñar que debemos aprender algo. Me gusto leerte

In this 3D realm where duality prevails, fear and love are on the same spectrum of consciousness, albeit at the opposite ends. Thanks for dropping by.

When I found out how psychic mediums operate with negativity in launching an attack, I started putting conscious effort to keep my fear in check. I try not to get scared no matter how frightening the sight or situation might be because really, no one can attack you from the outside, they first have to break your defense mechanisms from within.