
in Blockchain Poets9 months ago (edited)



When in the course of human events
it becomes desirable,
for some few,
to dominate all others,
those some few declare themselves
as Saviors to the masses
and form a new government
rooted in deceit and manipulations
just like the government before theirs

Freedom is not:
paying taxes
going into debt
putting what’s left into banks
obeying man-made laws or,
worst of all,
letting others protect you
while you stand helplessly by

Have you seen your children
being taught by the government schools:
how to feel safe
how to obey laws
how to put their hard-earned money into banks
how to pay tax after tax after tax after tax after tax after tax?

How to shirk personal responsibilities
because they can produce a piece of paper,
issued by their trusted government,
much more easily?

The province of government is the human being.
Without our compliance
government could not exist

Say no

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This is my entry to the Blockchain Poets weekly contest for the week December 4 to December 10. This week's prompt is deception.

Check out the fabulous poetry being posted in this community!!! And write some of your own. It's quite a poetry supportive place! Good for the soul. Join us.




Yes to all parts of these wonderful poem.
How disempowered so many have become, how very obedient.
But not all. Thankfully not all.
Appreciate you and your words of truth. We have to use our voices xxxx

And we are using our voices, you and I, and many others besides. Thanks for being so thoroughly you!

The older I get the more I see how much of what we've been taught is untrue. Also the extent to which everything from religion, to public/private education, and government are in place to control the masses and actually prevent them from attaining anything that resembles true freedom. Average people achieving true financial freedom scares the ever-loving hell out of those in power. It took me more than half my life to realize this but it seems like people are learning at a faster pace now. When was the veil lifted for you?

When was the veil lifted for you?

When Donald Trump was elected the president of the USofA. At the time, I was a staunch Democrat, campaigned for Clinton, bought a pant suit just so I could wear it when I went to vote. Did you know that? Her voters were told to go around in pants suits, by indivisible or some such brain washing entity, for those few weeks before the election. That I did so shows just how under the influence I was. I was willing to dress a part for that party.

So when a man I truly thought was an insane, inarticulate, white supremacist, misogynist lunatic got (supposedly) half of America to vote for him, I decided to find where the disconnect was. I started first by listening more often to Trump, and lo and behold, he started to make sense. Not that I agreed, but I could see his point, and I could see his allure. I began to understand, and to value, the conservative point of view. Listening to Milo Yiannopoulos helped a whole lot too, when I realized he was telling jokes about me. True, every single one of them, and eye opening.

Now I don't trust any of those national performers in politics. Politicians on that stage are probably all corrupt, just acting their parts. Possibly because they, too, are brainwashed, but more likely they know full well what they are doing, and are serving only themselves.

I see how much of what we've been taught is untrue

It's not so much that things are untrue, as that if we are told them often enough, we can make them come true. And not true at the same time, of course. We see only one face, not the full picture, in the mirror. We are all in a fun house of mirrors, trying to find one true image, but no true image exists. Oh dear, there I go freewriting on a comment again. But whoa if there isn't a poem in there somewhere, hang on.

is a fun house of mirrors
no end in sight

Something like that.

Yes, it's a crazy and tumultuous time here in the US, and much of the rest of the world. I believe we're closer than we think to western civilization breaking down completely. Mostly because of the divisiveness of so many disinformation campaigns. What comes next, I'm not sure of but I do know it will be chaotic. Out of the chaos maybe something better will be born? Having grown up in the 1970's I see how indoctrinated we all were. There almost was as much nationalistic propaganda being taught in public schools as there was in the USSR, only with a different spin. As for current day politicians, there's not a single one of them that I trust. The system itself is broken, IMHO, and I don't even know how we fix it or even if we can at this point. So many futurists are talking about a world where we co-govern ourselves with the help of some altruistic, super-intelligent AI. In a perfect world that might work. It might be the thing that ultimately saves us from ourselves but there are so many risks. I feel like all I can do, personally, now is make sure I'm being the best human I can be, do good work, make sound decisions, and enjoy the years I have left. Lovely poem!

We don't need help to govern ourselves. We will not live in a perfect world until we are allowed to do that. Any outside influence, "helping" us to decide right from wrong, will disable our abilities to do that for ourselves, leaving us prey to jackals and thieves. To fix it we need only to stop obeying any laws that require us to prove we are not criminals before we can take a step, or a first breath. Mothers allowing this their newborn baby's skin to be punctured, is a major brain washing event - I believe vaccination is black magic, and the whole family is bewitched at that moment. I'm freewriting again, and avoiding my lengthy to-do list. I'm off to Nashville in a couple days, by four-wheeled vehicle (not a Tesla). Hey, where are you? I'm spending a day in Columbus OH, are you there? Can't remember


Any outside influence, "helping" us to decide right from wrong, will disable our abilities to do that for ourselves, leaving us prey to jackals and thieves.

Add "I wore the pantsuit" to "Drank the KoolAid" -

What we were taught - Eric, I'm with you: so much of what we are taught to believe, and were indoctrinated from infancy to believe, is just plain not true.

Brainwashing of the multitudes....

Ok, this is a dark way to start my day. Off to go watch the sun rise.

Sorry, I missed this comment @owasco! My wife has been sick and we've been in and out of the hospital for the past month. It's made it tough to keep track of pretty much anything.

I'm in St. Paul, MN but am originally from Columbus, OH! I make it back there 3-4 times a year. What all did you do during your time there? It's a great city but has all the problems that all US cities are experiencing right now.

No worries!

I drove through a few hours ago, on my way to Nashville until the 27th, On the 27th I'll stay in Columbus on my way back home, for one night.

Sorry to hear about your wife's illness. "In and out of the hospital" sounds awful. Been there! I hope she stabilizes enough soon so that you don't have to go back for a very long time.

Thank you! It sure would be great to get back to normal life again. Take care and have a wonderful Holiday!

You are right in all your lines, at the end of the day we do not live but survive to some laws that society imposes on us, but well dreaming does not cost anything, thanks for sharing it.

Thank you for reading and commenting. Dreaming is what changes the world. Let's dream up a new one.

We're never asked if we want government, only which government we want. We need a none of the above option!

Unimaginable! Impossible! I think we could probably live as though there were no government, in some places. Just think of all the paperwork we would no longer be required to do! I blame the printing press. Luddites forever!

Here you spoke the truth, "The Absolute Truth".

Some of the truth, I hope so. Just look at the mess all these governments have made of the world.

I think this poem resonates with the fight for true freedom and it reminds us that freedom is not passively accepting what we're told, but actively challenging the status quo and taking responsibility for our own lives.

The final line, "Say no," is a powerful call to action to stand up for our rights and create a better future.

Nice one.

Thanks! To say no when you suspect something is not right is very important.

You are totally right.

Man imagine if kids were taught how to feel safe, though. What a wonderful concept, I really love that.

I probably should change that line to "how not to feel safe," they are taught about so much danger in school, and to trust government agencies instead of their own selves or parents. As it is, they are being turned against their parents. There's so much more that could be said here!