Will It Ever End At All?

in Blockchain Poets17 days ago


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Hannah was walking down the road,
But found herself lost in thought,
The sound of a car horn beside her,
Jolted her back to reality.

The stress was too much for her,
The pressure weighing her down,
She felt bitterness and anger towards everyone,
But more anger was directed at herself.

The House chores keep increasing,
Work chores were never-ending,
Which do I do first? she would ask no one in particular,
She always ends up more confused than ever.

24 hours daily doesn't seem enough,
She needed more hours every day because,
There is still a lot left undone,
And the work keeps piling up.

She tries to do the little she can,
But whenever the clock strikes at midnight,
She begins to panic because a new day begins,
While yesterday's work is left unfinished.

No matter how early she wakes, she is still late,
She kept going around the circle,
"When will this end?", she wondered,
"Will it ever end at all?."

 17 days ago  

You've received an upvote from the Blockchain Poets account. Thank you for submitting your poem to our community!

Many people go through quite strong internal struggles, one harder than others but all with the same goal to move forward and overcome, because dealing with everything is not as simple as it seems, thanks for sharing ♥

Thank you so much for your time here 🥰🥰🥰