Chat Me Up

in About PeakDlast year


You will likely have noticed and maybe even started exploring the improved chat function that was rolled out recently in the Peakd interface. It is a little clunky still and has a few bugs, but it is "Discord-ish", but attaches the chat functionality directly to communities on Hive.

This is very important.

You'll find it here in the peakd interface:


And then you can join in the fun, like this.


Now, that might not seem very impressive, but unless we have lost our keys, you know that without a shadow of a doubt, that is @nonameslefttouse and myself interacting.

I left the cookie.

Why this chat is so important, because unlike discord, the accounts interacting are proven Hive accounts protected by the account keys. This means that those imposter scams from Discord are much harder to run, and there is at the very least, the cost or difficulty in creating a Hive account to get over. Also, because the chats are attached to communities, they are given the same powers, where there is essentially the ability to mute accounts.

And similarly to Discord, it is possible to set up simple community channels and rooms, like you can see in my Reflections community room.


And, if you want to view it in a full tab, you can either use this format and put the hive community number in:

Or right-click on the room you want, and open it in a new tab.

So far, clunky or not - I like it a lot! Cleanup work and more features will likely be added over time and while not as robust and rich as Discord, has the benefit of being an "in-product" solution, so that more time is spent on Hive interfaces, rather than being sent off-site. Because it is attached directly to communities also, I think there will be more features possible to easy interaction and tasks. For example where communities are able to better support their user base.

And, another massive benefit of having in-product chat, is the potential for in-product learning, with support wikis and channels possible, so a new user is able to get help easily, without needing to search far and wide for it. This also gets them connected with more Hive people and, they don't have to guess too much about whether the person is legit or not, because they will be able to visit them directly from the chat and see their content and interactions.


That face is off-putting, isn't it?

Don't stare.

The reputation score doesn't mean much, but the account age means something. While Discord comes with a lot of uncertainty, Peakd chat leverages our accounts so we can have a little more trust that who we are dealing with, is actually who they say they are - at least to the level of their account transparency. This is important to me at least.

And, this chat also allows for people to break away for a private conversation, without leaving Hive, as it uses the memo keys to encrypt and decrypt a conversation.


He's playing hard to get.

But, in order to have these conversations (or use the feature at all), we need to be logged in through Keychain, because that is where it is pulling all the login information, and I am yet to figure out (without using the app browser) how to do this on mobile. I don't use mobile much anyway, but most people do, so it is hopefully easy to work out. There are also Themes and Preferences to play with a bit (more will come I hope) by clicking your profile picture.

I am sure there are going to be plenty of posts about the features and how to use them, as well the technical aspects like, where all this is stored and how, and how there is any easy plug-in that other interfaces can use to add it too - but I wanted to let people who might read this to start diving in and getting up to speed straight away.

This is a Hive developemnt that has been a long time coming and I really hope it is going to get a lot more development added, to make it feature rich, engaging and with a smooth UX that helps us better interact on and off chain.

As I said earlier in the chat:

This made me happy, and that isn't easy to do.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


Playing around with it now. This will be great with continued development. I already like it. Like you said, anything that can keep us on chain for communication is awesome.

I think some notification cleanups and the like would help a lot too. But it is a fantastic addition already.

I am sure they are getting a long list of recommendations and bug fixes already. Hats off to the PeakD folks.

Just now discovered it and I think it is long overdue. I never did like discord so spent very very little time there. This is great!

It is fantastic and it reminds me a bit of back in the day. :)

More innovation to come on it I hope!

I really like the direction it's headed, although that red face is creepy as hell. It's a pain to have to jump over to discord to communicate, I think its great even with the few bugs to work out!


Damn, that was scary!

Thanks! I've been practicing.

although that red face is creepy as hell.

Shhhh. He'll hear you...

There is a lot of potential with it and I think that it better connects the community, or a new community with Hive too. Lots of innovation for engagement can happen that links them further.

I played with the older version, but I haven't looked at the new one yet. I will have to check it out. I doubt many people would accept friend requests from me. I am not as well known as I would have thought after 5+ years here.

I played with the older version, but I haven't looked at the new one yet.

This one has more utility. I used the other a bit too, but it was limited.

I doubt many people would accept friend requests from me. I am not as well known as I would have thought after 5+ years here.

I think you'd be surprised :)

I will have to check it out for sure!

 last year  

You don't need to in their follow list in order to chat with them on community chats.

Okay, thanks!

I'll be your friend.


I also see this option on peakd but never try to do it. But i think now i should try it too

Give it a go :)

Very interesting. I checked it out and left a comment in your room. This could be a great thing for Hive!

I think it brings a new layer of engagement potential :)

I made the news again!

And this time, no animals were hurt.

You'd punch a bear too if that thing was charging! It was self defense!

I hope you have a good lawyer. The bear is after all your honey.

Bear spray is cheaper.

Why do you have 21k notifications?

I think they are valid for 30 days? Not sure. I never check them. Sometimes it is much higher than that :D

I don't obsessively remove mine but certainly don't hoard them either. Good for the photo op though. You look like the most popular man on the planet.

Sometimes I click it, just to get rid of them. But I like to feel popular too....

I think once more people see how you give out cookies, you won't need notification fame.

I see now this is different from Beechat. It's totally PeakD.

I used to think nonameslefttouse was kind of a French word like Toulouse.

Non. Pas français. Pas même un peu. Je ne sais même pas ce qu'est le français.

Merci beaucoup.^^

Polly veut une baguette. Mais il n'y a pas de baguettes "to use".


I used to think nonameslefttouse was kind of a French word like Toulouse.

It is the arrogance that gives that impression. ;)

You may have needed some kind of weird artisan beer to get boomy's attention immediately XD

or maybe he didn't even notice the summons, I only noticed the updated chat thing because it seems to change colour now and I don't recall it doing that before

You may have needed some kind of weird artisan beer to get boomy's attention immediately XD

A "Beer Trap" :D

I can imagine lots of dead doppelgangers bobbing around in it 🤣

And who knows who/what else XD

Slimy murky things from the nethers of the underworld!

Sounds like your average beer XD

Thats what makes them taste so good!

Bahahhahahahahahahahhahaaaa XD

I feel like that might be more successful than intended (not just for boomies XD)

Or a working laptop and not my shonky piece of kak :OD

I suppose one of those might also be useful maybe just a bit :D

I had seen that little button but didn't know what it was - thanks for the walkthrough! This is actually really exciting, I was just speaking with someone the other day about what a web3 version of Discord would look like and now we have something that resembles it. PeakD is obviously a major project on Hive so I hope this thing takes off!

Yeah, it is pretty good. It has a long way to go of course, but it is a great start :)

But, in order to have these conversations (or use the feature at all), we need to be logged in through Keychain, because that is where it is pulling all the login information, and I am yet to figure out (without using the app browser) how to do this on mobile.

I’m entirely mobile (and iOS for that matter). Have had absolutely no luck with Keychain. HiveSigner works just fine for me, Keychain is a dead zone.

I use my computer mostly but am mobile too (Android) and got keychain to work today although my previous attempts weren't successful...which is why I never use it.

It is clunkalicious in mobile anyway for the time being it seems. I am guessing the browser in keychain works in a pinch?

It's all great - but I can't use it because I don't know English and the chat is not translated in the browser / I don't know how it works technically but it's a big omission and prevents many people from using it!

Which browser are you using? Perhaps support can help you.

google chrome

This is the link to the support page, perhaps ask in there:

Lol, I can't get the funker to work!

But you are in now :P

Though clunky at the moment. This chat is a savior to Jovian’s. It will help reduce the amount of people getting scammed like we are sing in discord communities.

Those who get scammed should be more careful - but that is also one of the security benefits of working with Hive accounts directly :)

Well, I saw it this morning but on mobile. My phone doesn't support the installation of the Keychain extension but my 💻 is okay. I also await the whole clean up stuff. @jhymi have you seen this/it?

Hopefully, the development goes quick. These things tend to take time though.

 last year  

keychain has an app with a browser. But the team has a fix to make on the browser to allow the chat to work. We've been reaching out to their team

Wow! That's what I have long been wondering why HIVE does not have something instant messaging. I will check it.

Thanks mate!

There are challenges with having instant messaging on chain, but this is a nice handy workaround and, attaching it to communities is great!

Would be good to have group chats as well, that reside outside of formal communities in the future.

On the link you provided, I see an empty screen, and when I click on a yellow button a red sidebar that is empty.

Edit: works on another browser

I have heard that clearing cookies might help on your usual browser.

And I heard that whatever requires special treatment to work isn't worth spit

So far, clunky or not - I like it a lot!

This little rhyme summarizes it nicely.

It made me happy too :^)

Ha - I didn't even realize it rhymed :)

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I wasn't aware of it, I'm 100% going to try it ;) Would love to chat with you personally :D

Between PeakD chat and LeoThreads, Hive is taking real strides to cater to the short-form content community. Excited to see the results and growth!