Looking at the Largest Lake in Indonesia - Simarjarunjung Hill

in Worldmappin2 months ago


What is the most enjoyable thing in your life? In my opinion, the most enjoyable thing is being able to go on a short trip with your big family. Find the right time to travel together is very difficult, so, it is the most unforgettable thing in life.

Enjoying the beauty of nature with your family is the best thing in your life. Even though the price is very modest, time cannot be replaced with anything. In fact, that time can exceed the money we have. Trust me, if the family has a good time traveling together, why not?

The goal this time is really very long. We had several itineraries in 2 short days. We decided to go to Lake Toba, which is the largest lake in Indonesia. In fact, on the map of the island of Sumatra, this lake is specially made on the sheet.



Lake Toba is really very wide, there are several districts surrounding it, one of which is Simalungun. There is a very beautiful and cheap place on one of our itineraries. It is on the edge of Simarjarunjung hill. This place can see Lake Toba very widely from the eye, even on the side of the road.

Simple Cafe on Simarjarunjung Hill

Simply put, I just call it a café. This is even simpler than a café, there is only a wooden hut that can see a very wide view of Lake Toba. It's on the side of the road which apparently has just opened, so not many people pass by. The main road connecting the city of Berastagi leads to the city center of Prapat.



This café has been around for 3 years, it is really simple because it is made from leftover forest wood. Although simple, the memories are the most expensive. We only stopped for a moment to relax our legs after 3 hours sitting in the car. There was a really extraordinary traffic jam in the middle of the road. We arrived at this café with a feeling of wanting to get some fresh air. Enjoy a bottle of sparkling water and snack time.

One of the most impressive things is that this place has a facilitated view. There is a special place that makes you feel like you are flying over Lake Toba. It's really beautiful even though it's very simple. Because we stopped at the café to eat and drink, we got a free pass to take as many photos as we like on the bridge.





There were lots of photos that I took, there were even some family photos where we were very careful when stepping on the footings of the bridge. The wood is a bit fragile, for parents we really don't recommend it because they will really panic when walking to the right point to take photos.

Uniqueness of Lake Toba

Lake Toba is a very wide freshwater lake, even its depth is immeasurable because this is a former lake from a volcano that erupted in the past. The explosion was so big that it created a basin which eventually became a very, very large lake.

Uniquely, this lake has not too many types of aquatic animals. One of them is tilapia and goldfish. In fact, the most famous here is the Toba carp. They have different species, of course the taste is also different from other goldfish.





You can see from the picture above, there are farmers who have built a goldfish hatchery right in Lake Toba. Several years ago, breeding like this was banned, but apparently the ban did not deter the public. There are still those who breed goldfish in Lake Toba, to get commercial results in large quantities.

But, if there are no Toba carp, it would really be very sad. Hopefully with this breeding, no damage will occur in Lake Toba. Because the water is really not clean enough to swim in anymore.

See you the next time hive friends!

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About Author

Annyeong yorobun! Welcome to wita’s corner. Author is a full time housewife who loves to eat while writing. Enthusiasm to gardening and cooking. Like the exploration of new things and have many dream is unlimited. Always vote and give suggestions to advance this author.

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I can't imagine the journey to get there to get a beautiful natural panorama. It's not easy,usually when I go to highland areas I always feel dizzy 🤭but later it will all pay off with its beaut.

By the way I'm afraid of the location of the weathered wood when taking photos, considering that one fell recently so viral. Is it safe? It looks very old.

its not easy for my driver ofc :D
The uphill roads and rolling hills make everyone in the car nauseous, but the natural scenery really pays off all the struggles.

I agree with you, it is really enjoyable to have a trip with the family or even with friends.

That's true! time will not be able to be bought to travel with family. I paid more.

Wow! beautiful scenery @aswita, the view of the lake is spectacular; the road is long, but well worth the travel time to contemplate this wonder of nature.


Lake Toba is the most spectacular tourist spot, but unfortunately there is still a lot that needs to be improved. The nature is very beautiful, especially the lake.

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!