Another Maui Visit

in Worldmappin2 months ago

Why Another?

I like to go to places that I like over and over again. For me it is not only the familiariy, but also comfort. I travel with kids and have a quite busy life, so familiarity helps. This was the spring break for the family which we take during second week of March every year (or as per the schedule of our public school spring break). Every new trip to Maui we do something different compared to the previous time. This time the highlight was Road to Hana.


For people who have visited Maui this is no big deal or nothing hidden secret anyways. It is about 64 miles drive from Kahului to Hana and beyond through some of the most wonderful tropical scenary. This is wildly popular and loved, and some even argue loved to death! Over the last 15 years that I am coming to Maui (upward of 10 trips, I have honestly forgotten home many times), before this year, I have only driven to Hana only once and that was in 2010! So for all it allure, I was quite content doing that drive once.


The drive itself is spectacular but it doesn't take two and half hours as google map says :) It is an all day event. This is because the road is twisty and you will stop numerous times along the way. Also, as the road is narrow and winding, with more than 600 curves and several dozen one-lane bridges, it takes a real toll on the driver who will likely be behind the wheels for 8-10 hours! In this case, since the driver is me, I have never much looked forward to the tiring aspect of the drive.


This around we made an early start as we did it on the first day that we arrived in the island. As Hawaii is 5 hours behind Houston, the significant jet lag helps people to get up early in the morning at least during the first couple of days. So with the early start advantage and numerous coffee stops along the way like the one above and below, the drive was quite alright for me.


This particular cafe had delicious banana bread that goes well with the coffee, not the mention the resident cat who can be your comfort pet at anytime!


Kids swam in numerous waterfalls and fresh water pools along the way. We also enjoyed spectacular valcanic beaches. I also saw one of the most memorable final memorial spot for someone unknown!



It was right by this beahc and I can't think of a better place to pay homage to someone you love than this. We drove further on to the read sand beach which is rare almost anywhere in the world. It is really really red folks!


Yep this is the famous Kaihalulu Beach!



You can tell that it is great spot to pose :) There is also a restaurent nearby and a famous banana bread spot.


This particular shop was closed on this day for some reason, so I will have to get back there to try it.

Then the road took us all the way to black sand beach of Hana, where we had lunch.


And on to the famous waterfalls and pools of the Oheo Gulch to complete the trip!


Do you see the bridge above the waterfalls?


Bloody sensational! The sky in that first shot and that beach too...there's a lot to like and it's easy to see why you go back.

I'm just a little bit lot jealous. 😊

I hope you're well man.

We stay at the west side of the island, and it usually gets spectacular sunsets quite frequently. One of the things we often do is walk about mile for a dinner at this favorite place of ours called Hula Grill. This picture is taken along the way :)


So good man, and yeah, you're not lessening my jealousy! Lol.

Stunning. I'm a big fan of waterfalls and water in general as you probably know.

I never used to like going to same place twice. Now I'm older I like the comfort of it too. Our lives are uncertain enough. The certainly of a familiar place can be a holiday from the craziness of life.

Saying that, about to enter desert Morocco with no idea of where we are going really. Sometimes travelling has THAT uncertainty - that everything is DELICIOUSLY uncertain. My husband is just on the edge of enjoying that concept but he's been anxious whilst anxious me has been reassuring him that this is what the road is about! Ha I feel a post coming on...

I see calling for both. I like to go to familiarity and also like the adventure of new places.

Nice place to visit 😃, thanks for sharing. Not sure if I ever be there 😅. The photographs are amazing 😍. The beach photographs are so beautiful.
Yes I see the bridge 🙈✌️😬

You never know. We typically can’t predict future.

But there are spectacular places in uttrakhand alone

indeed that is true, sir. no doubt. I hope you will visit Uttarakhand again. ✌️🙏🫶

If there was ever a place to do repeat visits to, Maui would probably be near the top of the list. Absolutely beautiful!

yes, and outside school holidays, fares can be decent too. Especially after the Lahaina fire, a lot of people are not going there, which is a good thing from a visitor point of view

That's a lot of experiences to go through! But swimming in the waterfalls is by far the most interesting one for me since I always had water as the biggest fear since I was a kid and so most likely I'll never be able to enjoy this kind of experience in nature which sucks considering how much I love outdoors ;(

Swimming in the waterfalls is one of the primo experiences there. You should try it

Those places look awesome. I've been to Hawaii twice before, and I haven't been there. These are small islands but there are a lot to see. Swimming near the falls, awesome view, red(?) brown sand, and even more gorgeous scenery. I can see why that 8-10 hour drive was worth it.

Yes, space and time are both deceptive there :)

For an island that tiny I don't think I have seen even half of it after 10+ visits

I noticed both the waterfalls in the last photo, when I go from Delhi to Siliguri by car, Google shows very different times. I also liked the color of the soil of the beaches, somewhere red and somewhere black. The joy of traveling with family is immeasurable...I liked all your photos. thanks for sharing dada

There are many types of volcanic rocks there and the soil/sand derived from them gives varigated colors.

Whatever be the reason and facts, I love seeing the colors of the earth.

It looks beautiful. My wife and I have some camping spots that we love returning to year after year. When you connect with a place it is hard to stay away!

Yes there is something about going back to familiar places

Nice place, beautiful photos. I love the pictures of the waterfalls, it sure is a very cool and happy place. Weekend blessings.

Maui is now on my list. Beautiful nature and sunsets😍

Coo photo graphs, incognito bridge, rul relaxing

Wow. Looks like a perfect place to enjoy witb your family.

Love the red sand beach. Never seen red sand before.

I saw Maui and I started thinking of the cartoon 'Moana'. Not sure if you know it, but this scenery is so similar. A perfect relaxation spot if I ever saw one.🌺

Colourful sky streamed colourfully in a line, in thr first photo. Nice click. Red sand hearing for the first time. It really shows the beautiful colour contrast of the beautiful sand and sea. Fresh water falls another great advantage for the children to have their own enjoyment. Fresh banana breads, on the whole you all should have a great time. Enjoy !!!

This is indeed spectacular and scenic view to enjoy the moments of life.
If it takes only two hours and half then it's good otherwise I think it would be tiring with 600 curves(-_-)
That cat is stealing the highlight 😉

The red sand beach is a very amazing place
It looks very beautiful and a nice place to have fun with your family
Lovely pictures!

Stunning! The place is familiar to me only by name due to work- literally spoke with someone from Hana the other day. But we always envision going there. Who knows.

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What beautiful photos, a very nice place, I am from Venezuela. I hope I can visit it someday.

Yes! I see a bridge above the waterfalls. Beautiful and calm beach, waterfalls, food made the place so beautiful 😍.

And road trips are always the best no matter what road 😜

How beautiful your photos were and what a pleasant scenery I would love to travel there one day

Besutiful photos 😮 the sand color looks like a Edit 🩸soooo red