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RE: Where the Magpies Roam

in Worldmappin2 years ago

Came here for the magpies


And thank you! It was indeed a bit crazy making that drive, and I very nearly got sane about it and canceled the trip because storms were predicted. But the idea of getting stuck in a blizzard while driving a car full of food and camping gear and set up to be slept in in sub-zero temperatures made getting stuck not seem so daunting. I had to at least try. I'm glad I did.

It's so gorgeous out there! I hope I can go back soon. Maybe if I leave a trail of kibble I can get the time suckers to climb the mountain with me.


I can imagine the conversations with the magpies, haha.

And the place, wow. If it looks that beautiful in photos, I can imagine how incredible it is.

Lol magpies seem like the type that would be constantly sarcastic and always borrowing five bucks but never paying you back but it's ok because they're the coolest kid at the party.

Hahahahhahahahahaha. Yes! It sounds accurate 🤣🤣