Cat-cat Village, Sapa, Vietnam

in Pinmapple18 days ago

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Hello everyone!
In recent months, one of Vietnam's cities, Sa pa, has been gaining popularity on social media. Many influencers have made videos about the city. I, who had never traveled abroad, was interested in going there. Earlier this year, my friend and I planned a vacation to Sa pa. Early last month, I just went on an eight-day vacation to Vietnam with my friend. I went to two cities in Vietnam, Hanoi and Sa Pa. Sa Pa was our main destination, but because there is no direct flight to Sa Pa, we landed in Hanoi and then took a sleeper bus to Sa Pa. This was my first experience of taking a plane abroad and my first experience of taking a sleeper bus. It was very pleasant.






One of the tourist attractions in Sa pa that I visited was Cat-cat Village. The location is quite far from Sa pa city center. From Sa pa city center, I took a tuk-tuk to the T-junction leading to Cat-cat village because the road there is steep, therefore the tuk-tuk cannot take me to the front gate. There were many motorcycle taxi drivers offering their services, but I chose to walk. And it was indeed quite a distance to get to the front gate of Cat-cat Village. Before entering, we had to buy a ticket for one hundred and fifty thousand Vietnamese Dong for one person.




After entering the gate, we have to walk down the stairs, which are lined with vendors selling food and handicrafts. Besides the vendors, there are also artificial photo spots. Many tourists queue up to take pictures. Some photo spots are free and some are paid. Honestly, going to Cat-cat Village is very tiring. I, who was very excited at first, became disheveled from the fatigue of going down those very high stairs. Exhausted, my friend and I stopped by a stall to drink coconut ice. After that, we bought some souvenirs and continued our journey to the bottom of the stairs.








Being very tired, my friend and I decided to go back to the hotel. It was unfortunate that both of us didn't make it to the waterfall, even though our goal for Cat-cat Village was the waterfall. But we were really tired because we had walked quite far, especially since we had just climbed Fansipan Peak the day before. But before returning to the hotel we took the time to take pictures at the flower garden there. After that we rented a motorcycle taxi to return to the hotel.



The above is a story about my experience at Cat-cat Village. For those who want to visit there, I suggest you to take a motorcycle taxi, don't be like me who decided to walk and ended up exhausted and didn't enjoy it.And for the return, I also suggest you take a motorcycle taxi, because the road is really steep. You can also rent traditional clothes there, there are many traditional clothes rental places along the road to Cat-cat Village.

All the picture were taken using Samsung A24 and the first picture edited With Canva.


Devy Swan

Devy Swan is a girl with a lot of dreams and imagination.She likes cooking, singing and traveling. Recently, in the last two years to be exact, she started learning to write. Although her writing is still not very good, but she has a hope that one day she will have her own book.


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