Hoan Kiem Lake, Vietnam

in Pinmapple28 days ago (edited)

Hello hive friends!
I hope those of you who read my post are in good health. Recently the weather has started to get hot, and in some countries it seems like it has already entered summer. So, I hope everyone is careful and stays healthy. By the way, I have just returned from abroad, namely Vietnam and I have felt quite a difference in weather between the two cities in Vietnam, namely between the cities of Sa Pa and Hanoi. Sa Pa city is cool while Hanoi is very humid. But this time I don't want to discuss the weather, but instead I want to discuss one of the places I visited in Hanoi, called Hoan Kiem Lake.


Hoan Kiem Lake




Actually, I almost missed this beautiful view. So actually this lake was on my list of places to visit in Hanoi, but because I was tired and only had half a day, I almost canceled visiting Hoan Kiem Lake. But luckily one of my friends who had visited the lake, told me that the lake was very beautiful and made me change my mind. Even though time was very limited, I took the time to visit Hoan Kiem Lake. Luckily I changed my mind, otherwise I would have really regretted not visiting a place as beautiful as this. Even though it's just sitting on the edge of the lake and looking at the lake view, I think this is very enjoyable.





In my opinion, what makes this lake most comfortable is the cool air around it. The main factor that makes the air around the lake cool is the many trees around the lake. Apart from adding beauty, this also makes the air fresher. Honestly, this is my favorite spot in Hanoi. I don't go to many places in Hanoi because it's the same as the city where I live, it's crowded and the air is very humid. That's why I like the fresh air around Hoan Kiem Lake.



There is something unique about Hoan Kiem lake because there is a temple located above the lake. There is a red bridge to get to this temple. Because I didn't have much time and had to queue to buy the entrance ticket, I didn't go to the temple. But many people also go there, there are also those who buy tickets just to be able to take photos on the red bridge. Meanwhile, I just sat in the lakeside park looking at the lake. But for me this is very calming. Next time when I return to Hanoi, Hoan Kiem Lake is the first place I want to go. Because the location is also easy to access because it is located in the old quarter area.



There are several photo spots that visitors like the most. One of them is where I took the picture above. Of course I don't want to waste this photo opportunity at the beautiful Hoan Kiem Lake, because I don't know when I can go to Vietnam again. That's my story about my experience visiting the beautiful Hoan Kiem Lake. I hope you enjoy and like my writing and see you again in the next post.

All the pictures were taken using Samsung A24 by me


Devy Swan

Devy Swan is a girl with a lot of dreams and imagination.She likes cooking, singing and traveling. Recently, in the last two years to be exact, she started learning to write. Although her writing is still not very good, but she has a hope that one day she will have her own book.


It seems like the air and atmosphere in Hanoi is really clean and fresh😍

Around the lake, yes! but for other areas,i think it is the same as Jakarta.

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It rained so much and now it's about to get pretty hot, summer is definitely here now

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