Exploring the Stepping Stones at Dovedale, Derbyshire, UK

in Worldmappin2 months ago (edited)

We experienced a mixed bag of weather driving to Dovedale, raining and hailstones, and then sunshine. Thankfully, when we arrived in the car park, the sun was out albeit a little windy.

If you come here on a sunny day it will probably be thronged with visitors as the limestone stepping stones that go across the river are a big tourist attraction. Today, we get here early in the morning, and because of the inclement weather, we were the only ones here.

At one point, we had to walk up the banking as the footpath was flooded.

As we approached the stepping stones, I could remember walking across them as a child. At the moment, you aren't allowed to as there's been too much rain and one of the stones is broken so it is unsafe. In fact, you couldn't even get close to them as the side was flooded. Even though most visitors come to see the stepping stones and walk across them to carry on their walk, you can still get over the river by crossing over the bridge near to the start of the walk.

It was only a short walk to the end but by this time it had started to hailstone again so we returned back to the car.

It really is a stunning place with lovely scenery, but to see it at its best it is best to go when it is less busy.


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Thank you very much @livinguktaiwan and @pinmapple. ❤️

Mmm, what a pleasant place to relax from the hustle and bustle😊 Beautiful, calm, even the birds relax on the grass and don’t worry about anything

We just need better weather now. 🙂

Greetings @ellenripley ,

It is hard to imagine prettier photographs of this place...much sparkle and lovely views.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,


We just need more sun! 🙂

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I love this kind of plans, so natural and beautiful!!

Yes, it's a lovely place. 😍