A Biking Adventure: Exploring the Cycle Path Between Mantua and Sabbioneta

in Pinmapplelast month


Hello, fellow travelers of this community,

Today, I want to share with you some photos that I took during my bike ride between the city of Mantua and Sabbioneta. Those of you who have visited these places as tourists likely know exactly which cities and tourist spots I'm talking about.


I realized that many people don't know there's a cycling path connecting these tourist destinations. So, on Saturday, I decided to try it out with my friend Massimo. It wasn't a very challenging ride, especially since, as you might have gathered from my previous posts, I've been training quite a bit. I'm really into biking these days and always look forward to discovering new cycling paths. I must say, I'm also quite lucky because I live in a place where they're investing heavily in this type of alternative mobility.


As I always say, biking is a form of slow tourism that probably allows you to appreciate what you see even more. If you're in a hurry, there's so much you don't get to take in. But when you're cycling and have to go at a slower pace (I'm not a speedster myself, so I don't ride too fast), it really lets you admire things more deeply.


The only downside was that it was a bit cold, and I made the silly mistake of dressing lightly because I didn't expect the temperature to be around 8 degrees Celsius—an unusual chill for this time of year.


The original route was supposed to be a bit different because we were supposed to cross a rather famous pontoon bridge in the locality of Torre Oglio, but it’s under maintenance, and who knows how long it will stay that way. So, we had to make a slight detour—something that can happen when you're on certain cycling paths.



I was very happy to have taken this ride because it allowed me to discover new places, and I hope the photos I took were interesting to you. For those who love bike touring, this is definitely a route not to be missed. If you need more information, feel free to ask.


I'll say goodbye for now, wishing you all a great day, and I’ll see you in my next adventure, which I'll definitely share here.


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