The Best of East Bali

in Worldmappinlast year

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Even prior to going to Bali, I was suspecting I was going to like the eastern part of the island. I’ve seen some pictures, did a little research and came to the conclusion it’s got everything I like and want: beautiful beaches, wild nature, not too many tourists and a volcano above it all. And East Bali didn’t disappoint. The only regret I have from this area is not staying for longer.

So what’s so special about East Bali and what you definitely shouldn’t miss if you’re visiting? Read along!


East Bali has some of the most stunning, white sand beaches. Unlike the more popular beaches found in the Uluwatu area, these beaches are still quite private and far from being crowded. On the other hand, they are popular enough to offer services such as sunbeds, fresh coconuts and even local food (that is – if you’re not afraid of food poisoning which is always a risk if you choose to eat street food in Asia).

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Blue Lagoon Beach is the smallest from the list and is located in a small cove, just over the hill from the port of Padangbai. You need to take a few steps down from the parking space as the beach is pretty much vertical. The sunbeds and a warung (local restaurant) are located on terraces and you take a few steps down to the water. The ocean floor is sandy just for a few meters, then it changes into stones and corals. That makes this beach perfect for snorkeling as there are many fish and if you’re lucky, you can also spot a turtle.


Bias Tugel Beach can be found on the other side of Padangbai. It’s much bigger than Blue Lagoon and is also more open into the sea, which can make it more wavy. It certainly was when I was visiting, but that could also be because of the storms raging in the area. This beach is also great for snorkeling when the waves are not too big, and offers sunbeds and warungs as well.


Last but not least, the northermost of those three, the Virgin Beach. It is quite secluded and you drive for a few kilometers from the civilisation, but it’s totally worth it. Clear waters, palm trees and a long, white sand beach with beautiful volcanic cliffs on both sides.

Temples and a palace

Bali has over 10 000 temples and it’s impossible to visit them all. Especially when some of them are reserved only for the believers. Some of them are also very similar to each other so not really worth visiting. But there are also some extra temples and two of those are located in the east.

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Pura Pasar Agung has to be one of the best I visited. It is the highest-located temple in Bali (at around 1600 masl), on the slopes of Mount Agung. It’s very impressive, especially when the clouds clear up. You can read more about this temple in my blog post about 5 Distinctive Temples in Bali, Indonesia.

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Tirta Gangga is another temple worth mentioning. It is very popular on Instagram for its water ponds full of Koi carp and pathways made through the ponds. You can also buy fish food for 5000 IDR (which is around 10 Euro cent) and feed the fish. You can find more about this temple in the same blog.


What you cannot find in my previous blogs, and what I didn’t know a lot about prior to going to Bali, is the beautiful Ujung Water Palace. The entrance fee is relatively expensive compared to some other locations, but it is totally worth it. The palace itself is not that big, but the garden surrounding it is gorgeous. You can also go up the steps to the hill where the palace continues, and where there will be more to see in the future, as the place is currently under construction.

Natural beauty

The main natural landmark in the east of Bali is without any doubt Mount Agung. The volcano is over 3 000 meters tall and is very often hidden in the clouds. But when you can see it… oh man! It is beautiful and majestic (yup, I’m fascinated by volcanoes).

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The first place I recommend visiting is Lahangan Sweet. It is a lookout (and apparently also a campsite) built artificially, but from all natural materials so it feels very natural. It’s located on top of the hills on the very north-east of Bali, which means you can look over the ocean, and the majestic Mount Agung (that is, of course, if it’s not hiding in the clouds).

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You can also hike Mount Agung, but there are multiple restrictions to follow. Mount Agung is a very active volcano – its last eruption was in 2019. When it’s active, the access to the area is restricted and temples and other places around are closed. It is not advised to climb it in the rain season – the path is steep and becomes very slippery (and this year, an American tourist died there because of that). The hike itself is very, very demanding – the distance and the altitude change are really a lot. If you plan on climbing Mount Agung, contact your tourist information point of find a guide as it is really not safe to climb on your own.

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Apart from Mount Agung, another beautiful place to visit is Gembleng Waterfall. Hidden in the jungle, in the middle of nowhere, and is still relatively unknown. That is quickly changing now thanks to Instagram as the waterfall is very popular on the platform for the beautiful pools it creates. The water is quite cold but the natural pools created by the waterfall are magical and offer a beautiful view into the valley. Just be careful as the stones can be very slippery.

Where to eat and drink

It’s not that easy to find a good establishment in the east. The majority is made of warungs, the local restaurants, but those can be dangerous food-poisoning-wise, and their opening hours are very flexible (meaning you can come and they are closed). So where to go?

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My personal favourite foodwise is OK Divers Resort in Padangbai. They serve great food, both international and Indonesian, and you can also choose specialities from particular areas in Indonesia. Another specialty is food named „bramboraky“: a traditional Czechoslovak potato omelette which I’m pretty sure you can’t find anywhere else in Indonesia. They also serve draft beer Bintang which tastes amazing like that, and you can use the restaurant’s pool.

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Another great place to eat, and especially to have good coffee, is Zodiac Coffee in Amlapura. They have a wide selection of Balinese food and we went there three times while in East Bali. They have very local prices while having a very European look and vibe. For more great cafés in Bali, see my blog 5 Cafés to Visit in Bali, Indonesia.

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The last place that I really liked is The Monkey Bar at Bella Vista. Just a friendly reminder there: if you’re going on scooter and connecting the visit to Gembleng Waterfall with this bar, make sure to select a road for cars on your Google Maps. We didn’t, and what Google suggested as a road for scooters was a crazy path through the jungle. I think my fiancé is still traumatised from that :D The Monkey Bar is a beautiful – although quite expensive for Bali – place in the middle of the jungle, overlooking beautiful, green hills and the eastern shore. It has an amazing infinity pool, super comfortable sunbeds and great food.

Now, the important question is: did I make you wanna visit East Bali? 😉

Locations can be found on the map HERE (didn't find Zodiac coffee there, but Google knows all these locations, too).

Wanna see more travel content? Follow me on PeakD, Liketu & Instagram.

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Poslední dny vůbec nestíhám, takže si tu zatím jen odložím Tipáky a zastavím se později :D ;)

@tipu curate 4

Thank you for this post! I hope I can visit Bali soon!

fingers crossed for you! :)

Super fotky 🙂 Môj manžel je pôvodom z Indonézie a čoskoro tám plánujeme dlhšiu dovolenku, tak snáď sa dostanem aj na Bali. No prekvapilo ma, že bol problém nájsť nejakú dobrú reštiku, keďže som o Bali počula, že sa tam dá super najesť skoro všade. No je pravda, že o hygiene nikto nehovoril 🙂 Bramboráky by som v Indonézii nečakala 🙂

Prajem pekný deň 😉

Problém byl za mě jenom na východě. Například jih je tedy hodně, hodně turistický a tam je stylová reštyka nebo hipsterská kavárna fakt na každém rohu. V centru bali je to taky o něco slabší (mimo Ubud, ten je dost turistický taky), na severu jak kde. Většina lidí ale zůstává na stejném místě nebo ve stejné oblasti a pak říkají, že to jde všude, ale na spoustě míst vlastně nebyli :D

Snad se tam dostanete a bude se vám Bali líbit! Já si teď dělám zálusk (do budoucna) na Jávě a dalších, méně známých ostrovech.

wow Bali is one of the tourist destinations for many people and it's true that this post illustrates how the natural beauty and cultural friendliness there make this island comfortable to visit and become a favorite tourist

Yes! Unfortunately, I feel like in some areas the vibe is slowly vanishing because of too many people. Some say it's already started in Bali, especially in the main tourist hotspots, so we didn't even go to the most popular towns (Canggu, Kuta, Seminyak) and opted for more unknown locations :)

yes I agree, in the main places of Bali there are more tourists than local people its why we can't find anything natural from Bali. I think traveling to places that are rarely known is a good option and Bali has many beautiful places that haven't been exposed yet, not only Bali I think the islands of Lombok, Labuan Bajo are no less beautiful, it's just not as popular as the island of Bali to visit whose location is not too far from there

Bali is referred to as the island of gods that has cultural diversity as well as natural beauty, especially beaches. I've lived in Bali for a few months and I long to go there again.

I agree! I've "only" been there for a month but feel like it was way too short! So I also need to go back someday :)

But what a wonderful landscape you share with us, the color of the sea, the green of nature and the brightness of the sand. What a beautiful experience and journey.

Thank you! It's easy to convey the beauty when the island is just so gorgeous! (And I also have a good camera on my phone, haha). Glad you liked it :)

very nice place. i like bali.

Blue Lagoon Beach is very beautiful. I haven't visited such a beach in person, you are lucky to have visited such a beautiful beach.

Yes, I'm very lucky. It's like from the movies :)

✈️ Hello happy Sunday from Venezuela

Bali is one of the destinations on my bucket list.

I have heard and read so many great things about this place that I love to go and see its landscape, but in the meantime I will do it in a visual way in your post.

The photos are beautiful, the beaches look worthy of days of relaxation, wow the temple is beautiful, although the Tirta Gangga was my favorite.

Love to travel with you virtually to this amazing place, its nature, its temples, its gastronomy, everything there looks worthy to visit, I really loved your post to enjoy reading on a Sunday.

Thank you for such a nice comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the reading :)


Great views! Would love to visit East Bali one day. 🤩

Highly recommended!

Another top post!...Great article and lovely shots @itsmikyhere friend! Thnks a lot for sharing!

!discovery 37

Many thanks, @jlinaresp ! Always happy to see you pop in :)

Even though I live in Indonesia, I haven't been able to enjoy the atmosphere in Bali directly. Hopefully in the future I can enjoy it.

Same with me and the rest of Indonesia :) The nature there seems so beautiful I'm tempted to visit another islands.

I liked your travel ✔️🍀👀🙃

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Thank you so much! Always a pleasure :)

Wow..that temple is amazing..but I love the mountain view more 😊

Haha same! I'm a mountain enthusiast myself ;)

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