Welcome the Pacific View resort of Hinatuan Surigao del Sur Philippines

in Worldmappin2 months ago

Hello everyone...


It was last last summer that I've been invited with my old friend from Japan. She had a quick vacation only before pandemic strike us. We've been visited a lot of beaches for the past few years but we want a new one. Since we're living near Hinatuan Surigao del sur. We've been decided to have a beach party at Pacific view resort.


As of 7:00am we've been travelling already with the private van that my friend Myra's been rented. It's almost 2 hours drive from our place. The kids been vomited while we're at the road lol.



(I'm taking some video for Myra's remembrance in the Philippines)

(It's Myra, mhe and Necel at the back. They are sisters)

Upon reaching Hinatuan beach, I've never expected that we need to ride a pumpboat to the Pacific View resort. It was almost 1 hour sailing. We've been passing some resto at the middle of the ocean. The kids been amazed with the spectacular views. A lots of wow😁. We enjoy riding especially the kids.

(Just mhe🤗)

(From left to right: Gaga, Phoebe Jan, Myra and mhe)

(My eldest son Carl John)

(Mhe and Necel under the coconut tree)

Welcome the Pacific View resort of Hinatuan Surigao del Sur Philippines

Upon reaching the resort, the place was so quite that we could hear the chirping of the birds. It's just a few guests only that day, so we're freely roaming around the resort. The staffs was so accommodating, thanks to them. We just enjoy the white sands and sitting under the coconut tree. Even my son really enjoy playing the sands along with the kids of Myra and Necel. Family is love even were not family in blood.








(Mhe and Myra, one of the most generous person that been part of my life)

It's swimming time! The best moment that we've been experienced here. The water was so alluring that we could barely enjoy our beach outing. It's a great feeling to be treated like a family with a friend. Myra is my highschool friend and we've been together in a dance troupe. We know each other for so long, a 3 decades already to be exact. She's living at Japan with her daughter and her japanese husband namely Kenn. I've meet him already many times when they have a vacation here in the Philippines. Necel is Myra's sister that also an old friend of mine. She's always in my blogs.

(Myra's family...)

That's all for tonight and hope all of you enjoyed our family outing. More fun in the Philippines🤗. Thanks for reading and happy Thursday hivers.

May 2,2024
9:37 pm


The fighter mom,


Nindot diri dzai. Wala pa ko kasuroy dinhi. Surigao del Norte pa.

Nindot jud diha, as in! Pero kalimot kog ingon nga way signal diha sa phone hahaha. Bsta dakong away lgi sa mga Afam ky di mi makontak ana nga adlawa hahaha.

hahaah kang kinsa man nang mga afam?

Mga partners namo hehehe pero naa pud afam jud nga kano ila mga bana.

haha wa mag sabot daan.

Wa mi mag expect nga wa diay signal diha dapita bsta ky samukay lgi kaau

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Hi @jeansapphire! 🌞

It looks like you had so much fun at the beach! The kids seemed to enjoy it too, even though the journey was a bit rough. 😅 But the sea, sand, and beautiful views made it all worth it.

Riding the pumpboat must've been quite the adventure! 🚤 The pictures are great—everyone looks so happy. I hope you have more amazing trips like this! 👋

Take care!

Hello @sararossi!

And yes we're all enjoy the whole trip with the marvelous views at the resort. one of the most memorable moment that we had that day.

Thank you for visiting and I really appreciate it🤗.

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Thank you🤗🤗🤗...

@jeansapphire, you are most welcome!

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I was trying to looked up online about the beaches in Surigao, sis. Your province is truly a gem. Great photos by the way, sis!!!

Hi sis!

Yes we had a lot of amazing beaches kahit bugbog berna ka sa byhe hahahah. Pero worth it sya sis pg nakarating ka na sa final destination. Thank you sis for visiting ulit kahit dami ko na absent oh.

Ohooo, seems like you all enjoy your beach time. Nakakamiss na talaga mag beach aguyy

Yes ruffa, it's 101% hehehe. Magbeach ka na kasi ui.