Point Lobos State Natural Reserve, California

in Worldmappin11 months ago (edited)


Hey everyone! I have been meaning to share this post for some time now. Last month I took my 2 older boys out to one of my most favorite spots in the area I live. I am talking about Point Lobos State Natural Reserve, located a few miles south of Carmel, CA on HWY 1. This area has so much to offer. Hiking trails, Sea Lions, Sea Otters, and I you are lucky the occasional Whale spotting. But what I love the most about PL is the tide pools! I can spend hours upon hours here, and it never gets old.

Here is a sign that is in the park to give you an idea on where PL is. Nearby is the Pebble Beach Golf Courses, and around 20 miles south is Big Sur. This gives you an idea on what you could do if you ever visit the area.

You have the option to drive into the park, or park along HWY 1. I like to choose the HWY1 option since it is such a nice walk coming in, plus you save 10$. But be for warned, do not leave anything valuable in your car. It is sad to say break ins happen. After all it is in an unincorporated area, with plenty of tourists, and vultures looking for an easy opportunity. Really when your in any part of California, do not leave any expensive stuff unintended, and definitely do not have it in the open! Even parking inside the park does not give you protection. In fact it is probably even more of a target.

Walking into the park, you have a few options of trails to take to the coast. Funny thing about this above picture is we where so excited to be there, and I was occupied staging this goofy photo we left down that trail, and did not even notice that sign behind my smallest son that said the trail was closed! Luckily we got yelled at a Park Ranger that was passing by.

After a 2 mile hike through the forest you make your way to the coast line, and have more options of destinations. But today our interest is the tide pools!

Whenever I get here I fell like a kid again. It really is a breathtaking place!

And with these guys, it is just a blast!


You never know what you will stubble upon in these pools left from the high tide.

Especially in all these little nooks, and crevices in the rocks!

Crabs are in an abundance here! They love to star in the crevices of the rocks.

Playing in the tide pools is more then just looking. It also about touching.

Even the rock formations are wild, and you can look at them for hours, finding different patterns, and indentions left from the waves.

This is a work of art!

It is like being on the surface of another planet!

Especially with creatures like these! Can you spot them? Its is the green things. I do not know what they are, but when you touch them they close up. They fell like slime. Very weird.

'C' is for Crab! Do not let there look on their faces fool you, they are having a blast.

Just in their own little world exploring, and discovering

On top of all the sights to take in, you have the sound of the water, and the smell of the Sea!

In this particular spot the water is like a trickle, and in the distance you can hear the roar of the waves hitting the rocks. It is really hypnotizing.

This is a great place to just forget about everything, and just enjoy the moment

Carmel Highlands

We decided to head over closer to the deeper water, where the bigger waves where hitting.

And just like that, after walking 20 yards over some rocks, we are on a different planet..

By this time my oldest was getting obsessed with the little crabs that where everywhere.

As they where probably getting annoyed with him!

"I see one Dad!"

"Great job Son!"

Do not worry, the crab was unharmed, but maybe scared the rest of it's life. I have to say these little fellas are so strong. My son spent a good hour trying to get one. Even the ones in reach could not be taking out, since they where holding on the rock. I am impressed.

Here is a little slit that was in-between some rocks. It was a cool spot, since right on the other side was the deep water, and you could hear the waves pounding against the boulders.

What was even cooler was right in the middle of the rocks that was facing the deeper water was a hole leading into a cave. Major Goonie vibes right here.

Another cool thing about this spot was there where more Sea Urchins here, allowing for us to touch them. I have to say I am really disappointed there where no Starfish. Their numbers have been declining in recent years. They started to reemerge a couple years ago, but it seems that did not last long. When I was a kid, there would be just as many Starfish as there are Crabs. Even different kinds. So depressing, because they are really cool.

At this point a few hours had passed. We then headed up the trail that leads you along the water. This is where you can spot Whales, Sea Lions, and other Marine life. Also to soak in the extreme beauty of the Monterey Peninsula.

But we where pretty worn out, and decided to head home. We had a blast! I also had so much fun spending time with my 2 older sons. It is so nice to just get out with them. They're so great, and I love them so much. There is no doubt that they will continue to come here as they get older, and hopefully one day with their kids. What is even more amazing about Point Lobos is just in my post I am sharing with you today, it is just a small fraction of the whole park! In fact maybe just a football size fraction. There are miles of trails, and coastline to explore here. Then to top it off the park changes through the year with the seasons. Each trip will always be unique. I can not wait to go back again:)




Nature is indeed very beautiful ☺️ I love how willingly he was to get a crab no matter how long it took.
The views are nice. Something to keep one’s mind free for a day

Yeah it was really fun, and challenging! It is cool to see how such a small creature can take care of itself, and hold its own! Thanks for stopping by :)

I would definitely stick around, your write ups are exciting☺️

Thank you so much!

You’re welcome 😊😊

Impressive rock formations and surroundings - just like the place itself! I'm always surprised by how much beauty people can find in solitude places like this one. Yet another proof that nature doesn't really need any 'help' from people to maintain its beauty :)

I always think about this when I see plants in the Wild growing so great! No help from humans at all, and no nutrient problems , and growing perfectly.

Thanks for stopping by :)

Exactly!! Thank you for dropping awesome content. It was my pleasure to stop by :)

This is such a cool looking place in so many different ways.
The coloration of the rocks and little pools strewn about the area make for some beautiful imageries to enjoy while visiting the nature reserve.
The cloud coverage was pretty cool that day too.
The coolest part of it in my opinion, is that you're taking the boys out to get some quality time with nature and dad, and they will remember these things their entire life <3
You're an amazing dad! ❤️

Thanks so much bro! I even had fun revisiting this day while I was making the post. :)

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