Beautiful Overlooking Resort in Oslob: Serene Oasis Resort

in Worldmappin5 months ago


When I was younger, I cherished time with friends but when I became an adult and most especially when I gave birth to my first-born, I realized, that family indeed is the people who will stick by your side no matter what and so it is just right that for every birthday, event, or any celebration, we are with our family. This does not just make our bond stronger but this will also have an impact on my little one that while he is growing up, he sees how we value the family.

And so, last year we traveled to Cebu and made it a point that we will be there for my father-in-law's birthday. To celebrate this milestone in his life, we decided to have dinner at Serene Oasis Resort.

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It was my sister-in-law's idea and we never had been to this place before although we had seen the resort's signage on the road while on our way home, we didn't realize it was a new resort in town. As you might know, Oslob is actually quite famous for the whale sharks, the gentle giants which have become a tourist spot in this part of the province.

And since tourism is back on track after the pandemic, resorts are popping up again in town. We called the resort and asked if we could reserve a table but they said they were not fully booked so we could go anytime we would like to.

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Serene Oasis Resort is located at Barangay Gawi, Oslob, Cebu, Philippines. It is located on a cliff so it has an overlooking view of the ocean, quiet and perfect for a calm, peaceful, intimate getaway with a loved one, but of course, kids and families are welcome too!

Actually, I had no expectation of coming here, I did check their Facebook page and I always have this trust issue for photos posted online and I don't want to be disappointed, anyways, we were just there for dinner but the kids wanted to swim in the pool so we decided to go early around three in the afternoon so the kids could still enjoy the pool.

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There are two entrance gates, we took the one which was nearby the parking space since we went there with a car. The main one of course has a wider gate and it directs guests to the receiving area right away.

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I am always captivated by white designs, white curtains, white fences, white painted walls, etc and so when we came in, I was astonished right away as to the size of their ground which had nicely trimmed grasses, the rooms which were facing the ocean, there were a few cabanas and cottages available for walk-in guests, and the restaurant being a little farther from the rooms giving the guests just enough space for privacy.

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It is quite obvious that this resort is still new, the amenities look pretty new! I could see the stairs and the wall paints of the walls were in pristine condition and the curtains were surely very clean!

This lawn can be a spot for a garden wedding by the way! I always adore intimate types of resorts, those kinds where there are only a few rooms and the ambiance is just chill. This one here passes that and it would surely be a great opportunity to stay here for a night.

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The resort has this pillar with flowing water like a shower and it has the resort's name in it which lights up at night. They also have a nicely made shower area for those who will be using the pool.

Speaking of the pool, they have it covered with a Barrisol cloth that shelters the guests swimming. I so adore the hats they had positioned at the other side, the color selection compliments the white fence!

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And I was surprised to see another lanai downstairs, apparently, guests have the option to go down the staircase and enjoy the sound of the waves. There are stairs going to the sea waters too and since this place is a cliff, there's no shoreline, no beach but guests can still enjoy the seawaters if they opt to.

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They had no lifeguard on duty and there seemed to be no other guests when we arrived so we just made sure we had an adult looking after the kiddos as they swam. My husband played lifeguard that afternoon.

Here's another cabana just right next to the pool. As you can see, the place is very clean, it was sparkling clean and very inviting! I highly recommend that you check out this resort. Their room rates start at PHP 4800 good for two with breakfast. They got some barkada rooms too. As for day rates, they have an entrance fee of PHP 200 for adults and kids 4 years old and below are free of charge, when we went there, they didn't ask us to pay for entrance fees which I appreciated a lot.

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While the kids were swimming, I was assigned to order our dinner. It's always my task whenever we go to new places and resorts or restaurants and I got used to it already, I just give them a disclaimer that if they don't like what I had ordered, they shouldn't be complaining as they told me to order whatever I wanted.

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While waiting for our order at the restaurant, I decided to work a bit as I brought my laptop. I am glad that they have free wifi but when I asked for it, they gave me around 5 wifi vouchers but none was working. I guess they were old vouchers that had expired.

The staff who assisted me on that told me the admin person who generates the vouchers was not in the resort at that time so I might not be able to use their wifi, I was okay with it but I was so glad he came back after a few minutes and handed me a working voucher at last! I was truly grateful to that staff.

Of course, I checked their WIFI speed:


They got competitive speed I must say and this is what nomads are looking after. I always consider the WIFI speed of a resort when booking so you know now that this resort has legit fast internet speed and work-from-home individuals can surely rely on this!

Please do note that in Oslob, not all corners have data service, some are struggling so it is not given that if there's a resort in that barangay, there's good data speed already. You must check and verify with the resort customer service if they have strong wifi to ensure you are always online on your getaway.

Anyway, let me show you around the restaurant area.

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The restaurant is just right next to the receiving area. They have common comfort rooms here, very clean and fresh! They even got double sinks too!

The chairs and tables look pleasant! Hashtag team puti, hashtag team kahoy! I certainly appreciate their interiors! They got a fluted pillar and bar wall too!

In the restaurant, they have a live band every day at 7-10 PM too and they would encourage guests to also jam with them. They have a wide range of food options on the menu too but I ordered the following, unfortunately, I forgot to take photos of their menu:

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Fries for the kids.

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I believe this was their Ceasar Salad.

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This was their corn soup.

From left to right: Shrimps, Pancit Canton, and the salad. I wish I could provide you with the pricing of each food but I forgot to take some photos.

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But I remember this fish to be expensive, I was disappointed with how small the size of this fish though but the sauce was good!

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Here's grilled chicken, I was also disappointed with the size considering the price. I can't recall the exact price though but I know it was way beyond the market price if you go to some barbecue place.

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Here's crispy chicken for the kids again.


We got some fruit juices in a pitcher too and although I had some disappointments with the size of their serving, I can't deny that they all tasted good. I just can't reconcile how they priced them, especially the fish.


It was a great night of celebrating the father-in-law's birthday. The kids loved the pool and I loved how clean and neat this resort was. I found out they just opened in April of 2023, that's pretty new, right? I hope that they'll be able to maintain the beauty of the resort especially since most of their interiors are white.

Here's a one-minute video we took while at Serene Oasis Resort:

And a short one:

Thanks for reading!


Boholana | Cebu | Philippines | Travel | Photography Enthusiast | Calligraphy | Art
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With that fish size, I would be disappointed too 😨

The resort that you styaed is so beautiful but I am also disappointed to their food servings😥. And still the important thing of all, is the kids enjoyed and you got a memorable experience as a family 👪

White and wood theme! So stylish and neat! Estetik man! Hahaha, yeah, we also consider good WiFi connections before booking hotel and resort reservations. It's a must, especially if you're working while traveling.

Great place!

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A very beautiful resort, a place facing the sea can create more comfort for visitors