A hike through the nature of Rovaniemi and Pyhä National Park

in Pinmapple7 months ago

Hey guys!

Today I want to tell you about my hike through Pyhä National Park in Finland. It was one of my first trips with the other study abroad students in Finland and we were able to catch our first glimpses of the great nature there. This national park is located in the area of Pelkosenniemi, Sodankylä and Kemijärvi municipalities. What is most striking here is the large mountain range and the clearly different flat surroundings. At the local Fjell there are wide so-called Aapamoore as well as forests with conifers which you can see later still in my contribution. If you're lucky, you can meet otters, moose, reindeer and even brown bears (if you're unlucky they are too close haha, little fun on the side;)). Also, many different species of birds are resident here. Here are also ski centers, which are very popular in winter with tourists but also with locals. We walked along a few hiking trails and were able to take some great photos, in total the area has a distance of about 150km of hiking trails - incredible, isn't it?

The Pyhä National Park and its great views over the countryside


Here you can see a view that we could admire only after some hiking, it was definitely worth it for us!
Since we did the trip to the national park and the hike through Rovaniemi in one weekend, I combine them in one post. But I try hard that you do not get confused:)
Admittedly, I was a bit afraid of losing my balance on the partly thin paths but it all worked out in the end. Nevertheless, I secretly thought that it would be a bit more difficult for overweight people and whether the concept was so good. But we have all arrived safely and happily back home;)


From exactly these pictures I have later given my father a self-designed Kalnder, because he has so nature pictures very much. And then I thought, that fits like a glove!:)



Here you can see me at the top and below you can see the vastness of the national park. In winter, everything there is covered with snow and you can only see the water partly, but partly it is also frozen and covered with snow. No wonder it is a popular ski resort! Later I was here but not skiing, so I can not say how the difference is between this ski area and that of Rovaniemi.


Later we were also lucky enough to see a reindeer and even this close! At that moment I knew exactly why I had chosen Rovaniemi as a place to study abroad at that time and I was happy about it :) Later when it is so snowy they radiate another vibe;) Many of them stand on the "highways" and country roads along the way, which is why you should drive a little slower....

Rovaniemi's golden autumn

The following day we went for a hike through the forests of Rovaniemi, unfortunately I don't remember the exact location.


As you can see, we had good weather and a bright blue sky that day as well. In Rovaniemi there are many forest areas around the city area, for example also that of the ski resort and ski area Ounasvaara. Here there is a circular trail of about 5 km and the route is not particularly difficult to hike. Meanwhile, we also ahben seen several other hikers, so you are also here rarely alone on the road (I like to know that there are other people in the area but for hikers who want to have complete peace and quiet Ounasvaara is perhaps not the best area for hiking).



In terms of landscape, Rovaniemi belongs to the Peräpohjola region and as you can see from the pictures there are many forests and bogs here. Above all, pines and spruces can be found in abundance here. There are not that many lakes here, but there are some inland waterways. But there are two larger rivers in the Roavniemi area: the Kemijoki and the Ounasjoki.








A narrow path and rocks with a beautiful view


Later it got a little more cloudy, but we were lucky and didn't get wet. In Germany I never liked to walk or hike but the nature in Finland tempted me to do so. If it weren't for the first state exam, I would want to explore new paths here, too, but unfortunately it's not always so compatible with time. Is there anyone out there like me? Maybe you should just take the time, even if you don't really have it, who knows. In the end, it's always the most beautiful experiences that remain, like this one, for example!
What was your most beautiful hike so far? I always think that it's not only the landscape that determines whether it's a great hike, but also the people with whom you share the experience, right?


This is me on a rock during our big "walk". At that time I hadn't really "arrived" in Rovaniemi. When I say arrived, I mean that although I was traveling with a lot of students, I hadn't yet met the people I really got along with. I only got to know them about a month later, but then I felt really comfortable there. Often the people you surround yourself with make the feeling of home and not primarily the location. At least that's how it was for me.
I'm glad I managed to write and be active here again after such a long time. Currently I'm working on civil litigation, which can be really demotivating sometimes, but seeing these great travel blogs here on Hive and writing a post myself always puts you in a much better mood:) All in all, it can be said that the region is really great in both autumn and winter and I can recommend it in both seasons with good conscience. However, if I could choose, I think I would choose the winter season;)
But enough said or written! I hope you are doing well and staying healthy :)
See you next time!


Hey glad to see you back here with an amazing post.

Hi thank you it makes me happy to be here again! Have missed it:)
I hope you are well?

Yes, I'm fine, thank you.
Once again I'm glad to see a very good post from you.

It sounds like you had an amazing hiking experience in Pyhä National Park in Finland! The photos are stunning, and the view you captured after the hike was definitely worth it. Exploring national parks is a fantastic way to connect with nature and appreciate the beauty of the outdoors.

It's wonderful that you combined this trip with your visit to Rovaniemi, making the most of your time in the area. Creating a calendar with nature photos for your father was a thoughtful and personal gift

We definitely had and the view was really worth it :) It was also not too cold yet, another plus haha:)
Yes I thought to myself, he has every year a new calendar for example from the Baltic Sea or the North Sea, why not make him a calendar of these beautiful landscapes. And he liked it very much:)
Thanks for your lovely comment!:)

Wow!! the view are just gorgeous.

I take it this was from a while ago? I imagine it must be freezing in Finland now

Yes it really is. Exactly, it was about a little over a year ago. Finland is beautiful in winter, especially Ruka and Rovaniemi I can recommend:)

The views are incredible, the hike takes you to a magical place.

That's right, there you just have great views if you just hike high enough:)

I like taking hikes. these scenes are breathtaking and peaceful, would love to try hiking there while listening to music and the air there must be pristine.

Then Finland is definitely something for you. Before my studies there I didn't like hiking so much, but there it's something else again!:)

Love that you can just wander around with wild reindeer.

That was a nice experience, there are so many of them in Finland :D

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The beauty of Finland is amazing. And it's my favorite country. I have applied for scholarship there many times but I get rejected because of the bank statement. It's like a dream of mine.I hope one day I can visit there and see its beauty with my own eyes. By the way, your photography is so cute and you look so cute here.

That's right, I found especially the winter there breathtaking but the autumn and the other seasons are certainly also beautiful there. I'm sorry it didn't work out because of the bank statement, there shouldn't be such a thing... but you'll definitely get there again like that!:) Thank you very much:))

Of course, whether it is autumn or spring, the weather there looks very beautiful. I have heard many compliments. I have not given up yet. InshAllah, one day I will definitely reach there through scholarship.

thanks 🖤

A great big walk 💚 Sometimes it's really worth a bit of effort/walking to be rewarded with scenes like this 🙃 P.S. Work is just work, and sometimes it can be very exhausting, but it gives us the life we want to live,....so keep working 🤣😂🤣

How right you are... oh yes and it would be great if the work is still fun... if not maybe something else will work out so that you don't have to work anymore;)