The North Cape, almost the northernmost point in Europe and our journey there

in Pinmapple10 months ago

Hey guys!

Today I want to tell you about my first road trip from Rovaniemi - and it went to the North Cape on Norway. This route is very popular with the students in Rovaniemi and we wanted to do it before the onset of winter, because we were there only a few weeks and did not know so well with the rental cars. I made the trip with four students that I had met before.
From Rovaniemi to the North Cape it takes about 9 hours, but with stops and refueling it can easily be 12 hours. I would say that you almost don't need a map, because there are too few highways that you almost can't miss it.



On our route we also drove along the shore for some time and then we saw this beautiful rainbow, which I had to photograph first, with the landscape it was just too beautiful! That's when I knew: The trip was under a lucky star, as the saying goes, haha ​​:)

The North Cape is a cape that juts into the Arctic Ocean. It is located on the north side of Mageroya. It has a steeply sloping slate wall and even a North Cape Diploma! About 200,000 tourists come here every year, which is really a lot, considering that it is not an attraction of a city of millions. Here it is located about 500km above the Arctic Circle and therefore often bears the name of the "northernmost outpost of European civilization".


On this day it was relatively cloudy, but a few times the sun came out between the clouds and there was a beautiful play of light and shadow on the mountains. So the green got lighter and the contrast stronger and we had some nice views during our drive.


Endless expanses and fresh wind on the journey north

Do you see the little red house in the background? There are a lot of them on the way and in this area, it's just beautiful and fits perfectly into the landscape. We even stayed in one of those little cottages too!

It is the northernmost point in Europe and Nordkapp municipality, which can be reached by road. Therefore, it was also perfect for our road trip, even though there are pukte even further north, but you can not reach them by a simple road. They are probably called Cape Fligely and also Kinarodden. We didn't know that the route we took is closed from November to April, so it was doubly good that we started in September. Probably it is simply too dangerous during the strong winter.


Here you can see me on these big rocks, of course it's very windy up there, but you have a beautiful view! This green of the rocks and the blue sea was simply beautiful, so the long journey with an overnight stay was definitely worth it. And the boys were really nice too, they just let me sleep in one room because of my sleep problems and the four of us shared a room. I did have a bit of a guilty conscience, but I had the feeling that they didn't mind that much. I was a little calmer then :)




The famous sculpture of the earth made of steel


Here you can already see the globe from a distance, but then you know that you still have to walk a bit haha ​​:) It is the symbol of the North Cape and it was built in 1978 out of steel. The rings are intended to represent the lines of longitude and latitude. It stands on a plinth and is therefore slightly elevated. The axis is aligned parallel to the earth's axis and thus the highest point of the model corresponds to the location on earth :)


The globe you can see here is to illustrate the global meeting point at the end of the world. We did not want to miss the opportunity to take a photo in front of it.
Here we proudly stand in front of the steel model haha ​​:)






Here you can see the cloudy sky again. It was a very harsh climate there, but not too cold. Of course, you have to remember that it was only September.


I found this reflection so great that I had to get out my cell phone camera again. Luckily it wasn't so cold at this time of year that you always had to be careful not to freeze your hands haha. So you had a little more time to take a nice photo.
From the plateau with the steel globe you can also see the northern lights, especially in the winter months. At the time we were there it was too cloudy and unfortunately we didn't see any.


Here you can see again the place where we stayed. Unfortunately, I don't remember exactly what his name was, but it was a beautiful place with many small houses. We even saw reindeer in the area!
I hope you enjoyed the post about North Cape and the way to get there, I have to say it was my first trip after arriving in Rovaniemi in August and I was a bit excited, also because I didn't know the guys that well with them I went there but it was still very nice. To save a bit we ate a lot of toast but it was enough for everything. In the evenings we sat in our little hut and played board games.
Have you ever thought about going to Norway to the North Cape? I had no idea about it before flying to Rovaniemi, but it's a very popular route for Erasmus students there. I definitely recommend them to everyone, just be aware of the closed road times during the winter :)
It will definitely not have been my last visit there, and who knows, maybe next time you'll have better luck and be able to see the Auroras there too?!:)
I hope you are doing well and have a nice weekend!
See you soon!


Loved your roadtrip, the pictures are so vivid and amazing.
I sent some images of our local rainbow, hope you like it. Im from India
WhatsApp Image 2023-08-17 at 12.09.43.jpg

WhatsApp Image 2023-08-17 at 12.09.44.jpg

WhatsApp Image 2023-08-17 at 12.09.45.jpg

Hii oh he looks really beautiful and it looks so peaceful with you :) Even the cow likes the sight haha;)

A trip to the far north of Europe, it looks adventurous! I have to admit that I imagined the North Cape differently from the way it looks in your photos... I don't know how, but definitely darker, colder and icier 🌡️ Fortunately this is not the case, at least not in the summer months 😀 It's probably more common to see the Aurora than the rainbow in the north, so you were lucky 😉 Best regards!

Is the name probably suggesting something else, but it was a bit more moderate there I would say :) Haha you're probably right, I don't think I saw many rainbows there in half a year, the northern lights were really more there :D
Have a nice evening!

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beautiful!. greetings

That is cool that you got to go so far north. I am enjoying seeing this part of the world through your lens.

I'm glad you liked it. I can only recommend to make a trip there:)

What a great experience! I love the rainbow! It looks amazing in that landscape! Also you have the globe over there, which is a great representation of the planet! A very beautiful and chilling hiking! Thanks a lot for sharing!

That's what I thought, the rainbow has fit very well with the landscape!:) But I really could have tried to touch him once haha. Thank you for your lovely comment!:)

@indextrader24 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@indextrader24 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Did you try reaching the rainbow? It looks like you found the place where it was born and it would be an interesting experience trying to touch it haha!

Oh you're right, that would really be a new and interesting experience, however, I did not even think of it at that moment, how stupid:D Next time... sorry that I answer only now, for a while I was "offline":)

Haha, no worries! Better late than never 😁

Wonderful! The rainbow is splendid, it really fits with the scenary. 🌈🌈 💗💗

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Mönsch... 😀

Und dann auch noch mit 🌈 😋

Vor 36 Jahren war ich auch dort...

Sieht immer noch aus wie damals.

Nur euer Wetter ist besser.


!invest_vote !LUV !PIZZA !wine !WITZ !LOLZ !HUGH

Das stimmt haha da hatten wir echt Glück.. Oh und wie hat es dir dort gefallen (auch mit schlechterem Wetter)?
Viele Grüße!

Hey @katrin-lux, here is a little bit of BEER from @indextrader24 for you. Enjoy it!

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