The snowy view of the Kuusamo hill and a beautiful wooden cabin in Sweden

in Pinmapple10 months ago

Hey guys!

Today I want to tell you the second part of our Ruka adventure. We didn't just stay in Ruka (in Finland). Even though I would have liked to stay here a few nights longer, we went to another nice accommodation.
I definitely want to visit this magical place again this winter or next. Scandinavia is also beautiful in summer, but in winter it has a different touch / atmosphere.
We had rented in advance a small wooden cabin, a wooden cottage in Sweden for one night. From Ruka we had to go there but erstinmal a bisschendorthin but through this snowy landscape, you do not say no!
I had already thought in advance that it would be good if I would stay only one night with the three because I have a bit of sleep problems and if I can not sleep the night then I could just sleep the next night again:)
Later, however, my worries were totally unjustified, because the others were so nice and let me have my own room so that the night was quite relaxed.




Hiking in the ski area with a great view


Doesn't that look beautiful? I wonder to this day why the sky always looked slightly orange over a city. It must have something to do with the lights and all the snow haha. That's how it was, when you drove from city to city you saw a slightly orange sky over every city. So you knew but also whether you were on the right route if the phone had failed, because there were not many cities where you could have turned wrong. There was at most times here and there a house on the roadside haha.
So while our friend was busy skiing, we took a walk off-piste where these shots were taken. Meanwhile, I regretted a little bit not to have gone skiing too, but I wanted to stay with my one friend with whom I was closer, because it was her birthday and she had I think a little respect for skiing. Are you also a bit afraid of it or have you been skiing before?


As you can see, the sky above the snowy tannn where there were no lights was rather gray to black. But even that looked very soothing and beautiful, as I found.



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It reminded me a bit of the ski resort of Rovaniemi, because there were also trails and smaller hiking trails off the slopes that you could easily manage and where you could just take a little walk.


Our small wooden house in Sweden with a great facility for one night


Here you can see our "little" wooden hut in Sweden. It was painted red, which gave it a distinctive touch, and looked just as cozy on the inside as it did on the outside, but more on that in a moment. We were a bit exhausted from the car ride and were very happy when we arrived.



That was our dinner - it wasn't a feast, but it was tasty and enough :)


We were glad that we chose this cutely furnished cabin and not an expensive hotel - around Christmas time these are very very expensive in Lapland. And you have another experience like on a road trip.







Here you can see me well rested in the morning, with a great view from the small window. What do you think of this little wooden hut? We liked her very much :) In the morning, slept in, with a cup at the window in front of the snowy forest - that's how you imagine a beautiful morning.



If you could decide to do a year abroad as well, where would it go? Rather to the warm south or to the cold north in winter? After some time you miss the light season and the warmth, but I would not do sanders if I could choose again. Only a second time I think I would prefer a somewhat warmer country:) Many of my friends also said they would have rather taken Iceland because of the diversity, but for me it was so perfect. Finland has simply breathtaking landscapes to offer - in summer and winter.





And there we had very small snowflakes in the hair, where you can take great close-ups! Often, I am also frozen in this time the nose hair or even the hair, a very funny feeling I can tell you haha. From Germany you know that rather not;)


This photo is from a national park that we still crossed on our way. However, I do not know its name exactly anymore.



I remember the day in December when I met with a friend of mine who told me about her Erasmus plan and told me that the deadlines for applying for the next year would soon be over. That same evening I was sitting there and realized that I only had 4 days left for the application and immediately started writing my application documents. And how lucky I was that we had met then! Otherwise I wouldn't have met all the great people and places and wouldn't have been able to make the experiences. When I saw the photo of the northern lights of Rovaniemi on the Erasmus website, I knew: I want to go there. And luckily it also came true as my 1st wish. As second and third wish I had indicated Iceland and Greece, but the Weihnchtsmannsdorf had gripped me at that time already alone withom reading from him. There were even a few Erasmus students who later also worked in this village. I imagine it hard, but also incredibly beautiful to be a part of it for a certain time. Would you like to work there one day?
On our way back to Rovaniemi we saw these reindeer that were on the side of the road. Don't they look cute? That rounded off our trip perfectly. I hope you enjoyed this post and then I say until next time, take care! :)


You have posted amazing photos, reading your post, I was blown away to the north, congrats! I think you've picked a great list of countries for Erasmus, even if you hadn't been selected for Finland you could have swum with whales in Iceland and with dolphins and turtles in Greece 😀 A win win situation! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend & greetings

Thank you very much for your message! Yes haha, you made a good punk there, I would have always had great snorkeling buddies;) But the countries are also just great, all three :)
Which one would you have chosen from them if I may ask? :)
Have a great day!:)

Ha ha, now you've got me, Katrin 😮 It's like asking me which I like the most, ice cream, cake or chocolate 😁😋🤣 How can I choose when all three countries are top. As I know, Finland has a very good education system, as you know yourself, of course. If I may guess, this is probably one of the reasons why you chose Finland. But how do I choose between rivers, forests, volcanoes, geysers, glaciers, the sea and beaches🤔 Given that I visited Iceland last summer, and that I prefer summer to winter, I will choose Greece, which I am also going to on Monday 😋. Sun, summer, crystal clear sea, long sandy beaches, snorkelling, parties, delicious Greek cuisine, I just can't resist it. However for a longer period, I think Finland would be the best choice for me too. But that's just because I have to choose, each of the countries mentioned is a unique story and each is worth a visit.
I also wish you a great day, and night also! 🙃

There you go, each of these countries just has so much to offer! Yes, exactly, the education system in Finland is good and so it can be easily combined with studying abroad. But there you have a good point, Iceland is just so beautiful and above all diverse in nature, I saw some photos of your Iceland post, it looked like from another world! And then there was the volcano that erupted recently..
I wish you a lot of fun and relaxation in Greece, have a good time there!
Thank you so much, i am looking forward to your Posts in Greece!:)

Thanks a lot! Iceland is truly amazing, the landscape is constantly changing as you drive through it. At the end of the day, it's hard to remember what you've seen during the day because there's so much of everything. Yeah, the volcano erupted, I saw some pictures a few days ago of people taking photos by the lava river, crazy.
I'll do my best not to do anything in Greece 😊 A post will surely follow 🏖️. See you soon and good night!

this place is magical! So in the summer it's already covered in snow?

No, not yet in summer, the first snow usually falls in October (that's how it was for us).:)

I love the sun and the beach, but I must admit that with this post you made me fall in love with winter. It all looks magical. Another thing, I also liked the interior photos of the house you showed

I'm glad you liked the post. Yes, sometimes the winter can also be beautiful, even if you do not suspect it at the first moment so:)
Many greetings

I love looking at your photos. I never experience snow, and looking at this makes me want to go to a place like this :)

Thank you :) If you experience it, you will definitely find it beautiful :) Then the landscape always looks completely different and the mood is different too :)

Coming from a tropical country. Would love to see snow and spend vacation on a winter wonderland. Thanks for sharing.

I can understand that, I've always made before rather in warmer countries vacation and now had to get something cold haha:)

The snowy landscapes are a refreshing sight especially on a hot day like today. Thanks for sharing this delightful escape and providing a cool respite through your photos and story!

Thank you very much, I am glad that you also liked the story:) It was really fun to drive through these landscapes, I hope I can do that again soon:)

Wow -the views there are stunning - totally love it !

Yes, the region is just great in winter, and you can do a lot there:) Thanks for the dear comment:)

A very memorable trip, Btw the snow is really cool. I like it.

I'm glad, I can only recommend the place:)

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