Exploring Mt. Manunggal: A Fog-Enshrouded Escape

in Pinmapple9 months ago (edited)

As I was freeing up space on my Google Drive, I stumbled upon a treasure trove of folders filled with unspoken memories. And so I thought, why not share this adventure on the internet so others can experience what I did that day?

Today's post is about a throwback camping adventure at Mt. Manunggal in Brgy. Magsaysay, Balamban, Cebu. Along with my group of hiking friends, we joined Camp Jam 2, a yearly camping event that allows us to connect with fellow mountaineers in Cebu. It also serves as a birthday celebration for the event's organizer.


Our journey began at JY Square in Lahug, Cebu City, around 11 AM, where we gathered and waited for our ride. The organizer had already arranged for two jeepneys to take us there, but we had to wait for a few hours until everyone arrived. Fortunately, by 2 PM, we finally departed from our rendezvous point. Mt. Manunggal is approximately an hour away, depending on the traffic in the mountainous barangays of Cebu City.

We arrived around 3 PM, and a thick fog welcomed us at our drop-off point.


By the way, Mount Manunggal is historically significant. On March 17, 1957, a tragic event occurred here when the presidential plane "Mt. Pinatubo," carrying President Ramon Magsaysay and several of his aides, crashed on the mountain, resulting in the President's and 24 others' deaths. To honor their memory, a memorial park and marker were established at the crash site. Mt. Manunggal is also one of the prominent peaks in Cebu, with an elevation of approximately 1,003 meters (3,291 feet) above sea level.



We immediately pitched our tents upon arrival. At that time, I didn't have my own tent, so I shared one with my friend, Jaimro Jai. The entire camping ground was enveloped in fog, which added a unique atmosphere to the site.





There was also a nearby shower with unlimited spring water, so restroom facilities were not an issue.

For dinner, each group prepared different dishes, and we combined them all to savor a variety of flavors.





That night was filled with laughter and singing. People gathered around with guitars, and we sang happy birthday to the organizer. It was a fun night, with a bit of booze involved. Although I wasn't a heavy drinker at the time, I turned in at 11 PM to ensure I'd be well-rested for our next day's adventure.


Morning came, and the fog had thickened; we could barely see the tents from a distance. Some of my friends woke up with hangovers, but I was thankful I hadn't indulged that much.





After coffee and breakfast, some of us embarked on a hike to reach the Mt. Manunggal Peak, just a few meters from the campsite. The hike to the base of the peak was relatively easy, but to reach the summit, we had to navigate sharp edges on the karst mountain, essentially rock climbing.





At the summit, the panoramic view of the surrounding mountains was breathtaking. As someone afraid of heights, my knees trembled when I looked down at the steep drop.






My friends, however, seemed unfazed, taking turns posing on a large rock that protruded over the cliff. They even invited me to join them, but my hands and feet were already sweaty from fear. Haha.


I thoroughly enjoyed the view until one of our group members tripped and broke her front teeth on the sharp rock edges. We immediately descended, fearful of a similar accident.

Back at the campsite, we slowly packed up. Despite it being nearly noon, the fog persisted, and the sun remained elusive. But as they say, all good things must come to an end, and our contracted jeepney transportation for the descent had arrived.


This event opened my eyes to how relaxing camping can be, a chance to leave worries and problems behind and become a different person in the great outdoors. It was a fun experience while it lasted, and it also motivated me to purchase my own tent. Haha. Having your own shelter in the mountains is a real joy, as you eagerly anticipate every camping trip knowing you have your own comfortable space to sleep. That's it for today; I hope you enjoyed reading!


About the Author

Meet Kevin de Arca, a Data Analyst by profession and an adventurous wanderer at heart. With a passion for exploring new places and cultures, he uses traveling as a way of distressing and making unforgettable memories. He is always wondering where to wander next.✈️ 🏖 🌅


What a lovely camping place! For sure you had fun. Hope your friend is okay now tho

Charez. Generic hahaha

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Great panorama!
And those heights are really scary jajaj.


Hiya, @livinguktaiwan here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Top 3 in Travel Digest #1996.

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Thank you as always @livinguktaiwan 🙏🙏🙏

Nice kaau ang place pero ka-scary sa first photo, 1 wrong move kay murag maundang man ang kinabuhi 😁

Hahaha mao gyud na ako githink mao wala ko ni try

Grabe yung sa first photo. Buwis buhay pose. Mahilig ako magphotograph sa may cliff, pro yung ganyan d ko kaya haha

Haha same okay na ako sa malayo tagakuha ng pictures haha

Your camping adventure at Mt. Manunggal was both thrilling and filled with scenic beauty. The fog added a mysterious touch to the surroundings. The hike to the summit sounds exhilarating, despite the height-induced jitters. It's always wonderful to have personal experiences and equipment that enhance outdoor escapades. Wishing you many more such memorable adventures!

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for dropping by! ☺️

Wow! This is a great experience for all of you.

As I am watching the pictures with that big rock standing tall, my stomach felt uneasiness feeling that i will fall too, I have a fear of height too.

Salamat po hehe

Wow, these photos are really cool. This experience seems to have been a lot of fun around the people you like. Thank you for sharing your experience with us 😊

Thank you for dropping by ☺️

Wow!!!! 🤗🤗🤗

Yes! ☺️😊