Exploring Yarra Bay, A Hidden Beach in Trinidad for the First Time!

in Worldmappin7 months ago

I found A Hidden Sphynx!


Yarra Bay is situated almost mid way of the northern coastline of the island amidst the mountain range. The drive is extremely relaxing as we wove out way through the said mountains via the North Coast road that was so relaxing with amazing views of the jungle and oceans down below. We would be passing all of the major and popular beaches to the far reaches that most people do not venture to on their beach drives. There are no signs to indicate where the beach is and it was quite fun trying to find it!


After the relaxing drive through parts of the north coast I had never in all of my 29 years on the island been to or seen before, the GPS told us we had arrived and after pulling aside, we found this unassuming rocky pathway that seemed to be leading down somewhere. As I mentioned, there was no sign we decided to check it out nonetheless. I could hear the waves crashing anyway so this definitely had to be the entrance.


Lush coconut trees lined the pathway that was embedded with huge rocks and muddy patches. It was quite difficult to walk down and required the careful placement of the feet with each step we took.



Finally, with the sounds came the sights of the crashing waves through the coconut trees! This was indeed the pathway down to Yarra Beach. Already, it was such an adventure and we had not even step foot onto the sands as of yet!



The waters looked so blue and vibrant even though the rain seemed to be setting up with pregnant and heavy clouds coming in from the easterly direction. I just hoped we would be able to enjoy what the beach had to offer in terms of exploration before it fell, if at all!


What caught my eyes immediately on the left side of the beach was this rock close to the shore that looked much like a Sphynx with a head and outstretched forelegs much like the one in Egypt. It also looked much like a rubber ducky as well when the waves covered the forelegs.


The right side of the beach had another much larger rock that was even farther away but seemed smaller due to distance. I would not have known how much father until I tried to fly the drone all the way over there!



The right side of the beach also had a large cliff upon which seemed to be a cool gazebo that probably belonged to a much larger beach house. I swore that I could see someone staring at us from upthere but after looking at the photos and zooming in, it was just my imagination!


We literally had the whole beach to ourselves and the expanse of the bay was as empty as could be! It is always such an amazing feeling as if we had our own private beach. It was a Monday morning actually so I believe most people who would have ended up here were at work anyway.



With my eyes set on the sphynx, I flew the drone closer to get a better view. I wanted to see if it was just from a certain angle that it looked like that or if the shape would hold up and it indeed did! It was in my mind's eye, a sphynx! The Sphynx of Yarra bay! There was a certain type of elegance to it, like a kind of gracefulness and poise. Whats much more awesome was that this was carved all naturally by nature itself!


Behind the sphynx, emerald green waters caught my eyes in the viewfinder of the drone. There seemed to be a cove of sorts which turned out was the mouth of the Yarra River! It seemed like something out of a Jurassic Park movie and was so magical looking!



The river seemed to go far up into the mountains as you would expect and it looked like it would be so awesome to kayak upriver to see and experience the Caribbean nature at its best. I was told that people come to kayak here sometimes so I will give it a try at some point. Also I was told that when the beach is too rough, people usually bathe at the Yarra river right on the coastline instead.



I decided to fly a little lower down the coastline in the easterly direction to see what else I could find. You can see a nice aerial and wider angle view of Yarra beach itself from the photos above. I just love how the sphynx shaped rock looked much like a real gian animal bathing in the waves in the second photo here.


This is what the coastline looked as it stretched facing the easterly direction. You can literally see the heavy dark clouds coming in giving that bipolar weather feel to the whole scene with blue skies in the westerly direction!


I decided to fly to the other muhc larger rock and had to ascend really high in altitude to get the whole thing in one photo. There were a lot of birds upon it they seem to live and nest there as well! I think they call this one the Submarine rock and I can see why!


Lower down the coast was this little cove like invagination that was so interesting that you can see in the photo above. I was quite intrigued as I had never seen a coastal formation like this. I later found out that it was a private beach called Margra beach that belonged to the beach house that you can see with the orange roof which I guess is what the gazebo on the cliff was a part of.


The hidden and secluded Yarra Beach felt much like a hidden paradise with that amazing and magical river mouth and its own large naturally formed Sphynx! It was such a pleasure to visit and explore and I was quite glad that we took the time to actually head there even though the drive was so long in an area of the island that is not frequently visited. Thanks a lot for coming along, Cheers!


This wonderful place looks like the perfect treasure island I’ve always dreamed… there is just a pirate galleon missing on the horizon 😁
Jokes aside, it’s so amazing and fascinating.
Thank you for sharing this post :)
Greetings from Italy!

Funnily enough we have a lot of pirate and privateer lore over here! My pleasure, thanks for reading my friend!

What a beautiful place!!! Thank you for those pictures that show us the wonder.that your eyes saw. I can almost feel the sound of the waves.

That feeling of being the only one in a place is overwhelming. I had a similar experience years ago. It is terrifying and thrilling at the same time. Thanks for sharing.

You put the feeling so beautifully in words that its exactly describes the sentiment while visiting!

It's such a beautiful, inspiring...

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Thanks a lot mate!

What an incredible adventure you've shared! The hidden gem that is Yarra Bay sounds like a true paradise, and your vivid descriptions and stunning photos make it come alive.

So glad you enjoyed it, it definitely is, thanks for reading!

It's alright.

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