I Discovered a New Waterfall Near Parlatuvier Bay!

in Pinmapple2 years ago

An Aesthetically Pleasing Bay


How did I end up discovering a new, unnamed and almost hidden waterfall by accident? Well we start off by being on vacation on our sister island of Tobago and wanting to visit a bay we have never been to before. We set our eyes upon Parlatuvier Bay on the northern coastline of the small island. It is very much a far drive and about 10 minutes away from Englishman's Bay that was featured in my last post. We knew nothing of the location and how it would look and it contributed to our excitement. Little did I know that that day would not be like the other beach visits.

After a few hours of driving through the mountainsides of the central ranges and then the north coastline, we arrived at the cliff lookout towards the bay where visitors can get a nice all encompassing look before descending to the fishing village below as well as the beach itself. From here we could see the jetty and the many fishing boats belonging to the locals whose livelihoods depends on them. The GIF is heavily compressed so it does not convey the colors well but the water from up here was breathtaking! We could also get a glimpse of the almost perfectly round shape of the beach.


When we descended though, the beautiful scene was somewhat turned into something more dirty and less attractive on closer inspection. It seemed that the location was more used for fishing and other uses rather than for bathing. I mean you could if you wanted to but it smelled of rotting fish and was not quite appealing.


There was even a man who seemed to be homeless or maybe a tired fisherman taking a nap on a dumpster or a chest of sorts and seeking refuge from the scorching sun. We decided not the bathe here as there was no one bathing at all and there was a nicer beach lower down around 10 minutes away.


I could not just leave without capturing some drone shots of the amazing almost perfectly parabolic shape of the bay so I quickly sent it up. The weather was perfect for flying and the lighting was amazing for top down shots.


Immediately, as soon as I got to a certain height, the beauty of the bay was once again visible. Looks at that perfectly parabolic shape like an expertly made bow! You can also see a large and thriving reef on the left of the jetty. The boats were parked almost as if in a trail towards the jetty which was a nice look.


I decided to fly over to the left of the bay to the reef to see what I could see. I was not at all disappointed. The water was so clear that I could see many meters below the surface and the corals seemed to be colorful and amazing! Imagine the abundance of fishes and other creatures that lived within! I had once again (same day as the Englishman's Bay visit) forgotten my snorkeling gear other wise we would have explored!

Discovering an Unknown Waterfall!


After checking out the reef on the left, it was only right that I would then fly to the right side to see what I could get. There were some rock formations that I tried to get on video while flying low to create a reveal shot of the bay from that side. Normally I would take a few passes or takes until I get the shot right. From my view finder, I could see this white fuzziness amongst some rocks on the side of what I thought was a cliff face but I paid no attention to it as the definition of whatever it was did not jump out at me yet.


It was not until what felt like my fifth pass, I managed to fly just a little closer to the coastline. It was then that the white fuzzy stuff seemed to be shimmering, in a flowing manner! Then it clicked! There was a waterfall right there on the coastline! I forgot all about the shots and immediately got to work focussing on just the waterfall. It was not until I posted the footage and images to my Instagram that I realized that noone knew or had seen the waterfall before! I was reached out to by people informing me that I had to name it by reaching out to the relevant authorities. What should I name it?


Even though the beach itself was disappointing, its overall beauty did not disappoint. We did not get to bathe but that was overshadowed by the fact that we discovered a waterfall! How often can one say that? The photos were amazing and so was the footage that I managed to get of the waterfall. I'm also glad it went viral on tiktok so that the people could see it and the gem would no longer be hidden! Thanks for coming along! Cheers!


The drone shots are amazing.
@tipu curate 3

Thanks a lot mate, appreciate it!

My pleasure.

What an amazing find you got here. A very beautiful place plus you hit a jackpot on your new found falls.

Definitely! I still cannot believe we were debating if to stay on the resort or not for the day!

Despite the adverse, the bay is spectacular, the shots are beautiful, what a complex about the waterfall. I liked all the shots as well as the aerial ones, a real beauty. 😵😀

Thank you so much @neruel, glad you liked them!

Wow.. The clear waters is tempting..good to bath there.

We were definitely tempted! Thanks for reading!

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