Enjoying The New Year Holiday For The First Time At The Lukup Badak White Water Rafting Tour

in Worldmappin5 months ago


This beautiful journey starts from the beautiful blue sky in a cold city, precisely in Central Aceh. Start the new year by taking a walk to a location that has an exciting view and playground.


Takengon City has many tourist destinations of various types. One of the tours that has gone viral recently is the Lukup rhino rafting tour.

Mountains and beautiful cities with a cool feel are still the best places here. When the holidays arrive, many levels of society come to visit here just to spend holiday time with their families. Like I did today, my family and I left the house at around 9.30 WIB. Before leaving, we didn't forget to capture the moment and OOTD in front of the terrace of the house.


Very enthusiastic, on the way along the journey the sky was not very friendly, it was cloudy and in several places it was drizzling while on the way. This made us have to stop for a moment just to look for a place to go to the toilet.


We stopped right at one of the quite famous posts there, namely Guci ie. This place is a source of water that will never run out. Water flows continuously from the mountains, and it must be very cold in the rain.


Actually there are two routes to Takengon city, namely from Bireun city and also Kruenggukueh city, KKA intersection. Because we live in the Kka factory area, we traveled from there. The distance is not far, in just 2 hours we arrived at the rafting location.

The Rafting Lukup Badak


The Lukup Badak white water rafting tourist attraction is the first white water rafting tourist attraction in Takengon City. However, as time goes by, there are now many other similar tours that have different styles and routes from this location.


So the name of this white water rafting is taken from the name of the village where this place originates. And this place is privately owned and has developed and is recognized as one of the tourist destinations in Takengon City or often known as Gayo City.


When you get there you will be presented with an amazing view. I myself took the picture when I was at a height, here we were queuing to get off and queuing to park the car. Just look at how the view above amazed me, how beautiful it is. The stretch of river and surrounding it are very beautiful mountains.


My friend and I immediately looked for a place to sit and rest and store things in the small huts made of wood. Apart from that, this place is specifically for relaxing and waiting for the rush of riding a rubber boat when the white water rafting starts. Very neat with a complete small cafe selling various snacks and coffee of course.


And then we ordered tickets to ride the white water rafting at the cashier. The tickets we ordered were in the form of a family program, which is still standard for children aged 5 years to adults. For tickets, one person is charged IDR. 70,000, well tthe also provide photo services using the guide's cellphone.


The cost for one rubber boat is IDR. 30,000. When we board the rubber boat, we are prohibited from bringing personal cellphones, so you should know that some of my pictures were taken by the guide on their iPhone 11 cellphone. This photo fee itself is for everyone on the boat, not only photos, they also take videos of us. In my opinion, this photo service is very important, they prepare and think about our safety when carrying out this activity.


Actually, for their program Arung jeram lukup badak there is extreme white water rafting, the ticket price is relatively more expensive than the one we took. However, because we were just beginners, we took the family one. Meanwhile, for photo service packages, they provide photo packages using Canon cameras. Again, this will be more expensive than the package we took.


While waiting to order tickets, we took a photo together, at that time my group was waiting near the river. Then we were asked to wear the attributes to board the boat, namely life jackets and helmets.


View of a long river whose flow or route goes directly to a freshwater lake. It's amazing, I feel the tiredness of being in a busy city replaced by the beautiful atmosphere of natural charm that is still natural here.


After ordering tickets, we were asked to take a photo together by the guide. Here we took a photo with our board, namely 4 people. Our friend and nephew, we chose a boat together so that we would be safe when we were on the river. So, previously we used attributes to jump into the water, such as helmets and life jackets.
I also took the rubber boats that were neatly lined up at that location.



So the guide started to give instructions for boarding the boat, and explained what you needed to pay attention to when you were there.


Just look at some of the photos taken by the guide with his cell phone. We were told to style ourselves as best as possible, and I thought this was very exciting. There we passed white water rafting for approximately 30 minutes with a distance of approximately 5 km along the river.





So friends, for those of you who go to Takengon, Aceh, Indonesia. Don't forget to stop at this very exciting place and of course if you and your family will definitely come back here again. The beautiful atmosphere, beautiful views in the hilly area bring you to a calm atmosphere.

Hi Readers and Hivers, Thank you for reading and visiting my post which is 100% copyrighted by me, my own content, writing and photos, taken with a Samsung Galaxy A72 Smartphone and several other photos taken using an iPhone 11 belonging to a rafting guide lukup rhino.

About The Author

A woman, firm and stubborn who is called "Nurul", born in July 1993, comes from Indonesia, Aceh province. My daily activity is work.

Besides working, I have several hobbies, namely reading, writing, cooking, gardening, making crafts, and traveling. From this hobby of mine, I will develop some inspiring content for all of you. I am also very happy to discuss positive new things with all of you.


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Thank you dear!

Very nice place and beautiful scenery. It's perfect for everyone to have fun.🥰

Thank you dear.
Happy New Year to you too, and have fun!

Lovely collection of photos with lively photos. Hope you should have had a wonderful experience with friends in rafting.

Certainly a very special experience at that moment.

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Thank you dear!

Wow, this is really beautiful scenery, sister @nurfay invite me to look challenging and exciting

You have to come here, sis, it's really exciting, especially the view!

Insya allah kakak saya sekeluarga akan libur juga cuma nunggu anak besar supaya aman dalam perjalanan doakan saja yang terbaik

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you for support @brumest and @qurator

Very beautiful place
You would have enjoyed rafting

Enjoying the view while playing with this beautiful view is a very enjoyable thing.