Exploring Tuscany: A Hidden Gem in Reggello

in Worldmappinlast month


Hi, my dear friends,

Unfortunately, this post was supposed to be published yesterday, but I'm not sure if it was my error; it didn't get posted, so I'm publishing it today. It refers to my latest exploration during the weekend before heading back home. My dear friend, who acted as my guide during the various explorations I did, and I were heading back to Florence, and we passed through Reggello, a charming village in Tuscany nestled among the hills with olive groves and vineyards. It's definitely an interesting place, even though it might not be widely known to tourists.



I have to say that, initially, this place didn't impress me much. You can tell that in this part of Tuscany, many of the villages must have suffered destruction during the war, as the houses are more recent or have been partially rebuilt.



I took my usual walk through the streets of this town, which is actually quite spread out in terms of elevation. It’s quite a workout walking through the streets as they wind up and down, creating some steep inclines. The good thing is that there are plenty of trails around the town, so if you visit, you can enjoy some lovely walks.



While walking, I stopped in front of a small church. I don't think it's the main church, but it looked quite interesting, so I decided to go in and see if there were any paintings or altarpieces worth admiring. I have to say I was quite impressed with the paintings I found inside. From the outside, it didn't seem like much, but it was like a little treasure chest filled with genuine gems.




When I left the church, I continued my walk, noticing that there were very few people around. This might be because the place isn't densely populated and is used mainly for second homes. I headed back to the car to return to Florence, then catch a train to go back home.




I hope the photos I shared were interesting and that they took you along on this exploration with me. Thank you for reading, and I'll see you in my next post. Have a great day!


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What a beautiful village indeed! Like one seen on movies. It is nice to held a pictorial here this looks so surreal. Thank you for giving us a virtual tour🙂

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Reggello is truly a hidden gem. So picturesque, it has soul... Places like this inspire me, they remind me of Croatia, where I was born. 😊

well I'm happy!! thanks for the comment

I am impressed of the design and the surrounding in Tuscany Ma'am @silviared945 I never tried to travel abroad, however watching and reading your blog Ma'am makes me feel like I am traveling and visiting the place.

Thank you😍