Exploring India: Sunset from Malyavanta hill, Karnataka

in Pinmapple4 months ago

Hi dear Hive community,


Part of our time in Hampi we decided to spent camping outdoors. We found a nice food parlour on the outskirts which was preparing to open the camping place for the approaching season.



We enjoyed our time there, even thought one night was for us full of adrenaline. We were sure that a big snake is hidding next to our tent as it was jumping in the thin fabric and moving all around. We called for help the owners which came with big sticks and instructed us to evacuate the tent. In the end there was hidding only a small kitten which we met the first day near the restaurant.

One day we decided to take a short walk in the nearby area. We walked on the main road and met a farmer who was transporting some greens with the help of two huge oxes. They were looking so majestic - tall with big horns.


Later we saw a big signboard leading to the temple with the viewpoint. The temple is known as Malayavanta Raghunatha Temple, and is dedicated to lord Rama.





Just before we reached the entrance to the temple we saw a group of 4 newborn cubbs. A local man said that today someone came and dropped them here. They were looking so skinny, luckily people before us gave them some food. As it was very hot we gave them some fresh cold water to drink. It was very heartbreaking seeing this, however it is very common thing here as the population of the dogs keep raising.



The temple was looking nice with many detailed carvings. In the end we rather explored the outside areas which later lead us to another smaller temple even more up on the hill. The path was hidden so not many people discover this.




We were happy that we stayed there for the sunset. A bit more lower a big crowd of people came in the meantime. Happily we sat down and enjoyed the peace, serenity and beauty of the big orange ball falling down from the sky and slowly disappearing.


Thank you for reading. Wish you a nice day!


Very cool warm photos 🤗👌👌👌 i am sure it was fun to look all this land there.

The lighting was perfect and land as well, so it was not really a difficult task taking great pictures. 😄
Thank you for stopping by! Wish you a good day today!🌻

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I’m happy you had a great time

Thank you! Wish you a nice day as well 🌻

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Thank you so much @pinmapple and @livinguktaiwan 🙏🌻🤗

India Is one of my travel of dreams what a cool experience ❤️

That's great to hear! We'll keep our fingers crossed that this dreams becomes reality one day! 🤞🤞
Wish you a nice day! 🌻

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As much as I love sunsets, that temple is so beautiful! I simply adore seeing parts of history still making it through the 21st century.

It is amazing I agree 🙏 That is always such a pleasure to witness 🤗
Wish you a nice day! 🌻

Hampi is very beautiful place

It is unbelievable and magical place! You should definitely visit if you have a chance 🤗🌻

The snake that was a kitten story 😆

Made me laugh out loud!

Sad about the puppies. I hope there is an ngo or non-profit helping them out there. We see the same here. Life can be hard core. 😪

Beautiful photos. The temple and that tree look so aged and so full of stories and time


Haha, for us will definitely be unforgettable experience. We thought it was a matter of life and death. Now we are happily laughing our asses off about this day. ✌️😂😂
Sadly we didn't find any similar organisation interested in this area, the population of dogs is huge and it's difficult to make this problem go away without some serious actions. 😔
Thank you for stopping by @nickydee 🙏
Wish you a nice day!

Now we are happily laughing our asses off about this day

Oh you make me laugh again. Love your humour.

I hear ya on the animal problems. Same here. I think when many humans are stuck trying to just make it through their days, the animals become a second priority. Survival. It's hard to get by here. Everything is super expensive. Not sure how things are where you live?

But here... life is pretty challenging for most people. I mean cost of living and government services/support etc.

Hahaha that's such a good compliment. I'm happy that I made your day with this story 😂😂
Yes, you are right. It's really sad to see this, of course you want to help somehow. We are actually a couple, one coming from Germany and one from Slovenia. Animals are taken generally good care, they are in shelters but at least they get food, water and medical care if needed. 🙏

And what you said about current situation is same everywhere I guess. Life is getting insanely expensive everywhere, so no idea where all this will lead. We just want to keep with optimism and positive mind. 🤞🤞

That's a good approach, I think.

I also try to focus on how much I actually do have and have simplified things a lot. It takes a lot of pressure off and makes life less expensive.

Anyway. Love your sense of humour and vibe. Enjoy the rest of the week. It's almost the weekend :)