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RE: One Wet Day At Lacul Rosu And Bicaz George

in Worldmappinlast year

Even if the weather conditions weren't the best when you visited this place, it remains spectacular.
I had such an experience last year when I was here at the Red Lake and the Tinovul Mohoș.
At Tinovul Mohoș somewhere towards the end of the tour we had the opportunity to hear a bear, this was also the reason why our tour ended and we had to go back.
Both the history of the formation of Red Lake and Tinovul Mohoș are amazing, yes, I would go back here anytime.
I have to admit that I spent unforgettable moments in Harghita, my god, how many amazing places I visited here.


Indeed, it is spectacular regardless of the weather. I still need to visit once, during winter as it must be beautiful. Although I don't think it would be wise to walk down the canyon when the road is icy.

Good thing you did not meet the bear face to face as that would have been quite an adventure. Unfortunately bears are getting more closer to cities these days, let alone at the Red Lake, which is basically their own territory.

I have to admit that I spent unforgettable moments in Harghita, my god, how many amazing places I visited here.

Me too and would go back anytime.

Indeed, these places are spectacular in any season of the year, every season has its charm.
In one area on the way to Red Lake we had a less pleasant experience, on the side of the road we came across a bear cub being fed by tourists and what was extremely serious was that all the tourists were eager to have their photo taken with that bear cub.