Welcome to the paradise 🌴 - Mochima 🌊 [Eng/Esp]

in Pinmapple8 months ago


For a full experience, read this post listening "Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride"

Hello!! How you been? This weekend was crazy, although I have several responsibilities with the university, my friends came up with the great idea of taking a trip to the beach. So we went to Mochima, a small town almost two hours from the city where we live.This town is the Mochima National Park, which offers facilities for water skiing, boat rides to visit the different beaches that this national park has to offer. Among them Las Maritas, Blanca Beach, La Gabarra, Manare, Cautaro y Cautarito (There's more but I forgot their names hahahaha). There are places to eat very fresh fish, inns and restaurants, There are also different places to buy local handicrafts, such as necklaces, palm leaf hats, typical sweets and souvenirs of the village.



While we were on our way to Mochima, we met a lady who was waiting for a ride, In our car there was almost no space, but tightly packed we all continued our way to the village. Thanks to the favor we did, she called her husband to take us on his boat to the beach we wanted (you can only reach some beaches by sea), for the modest price of 30$ ( 10$ less than the price charged by the other boats). We take the lady to her house for free and then they charge us the boat... OK.



My friends "enjoying" the ride

The weather was very good, the sky sunny, the sea calm, all perfect to spend a whole day at the beach. Finally we decided to go to Manare beach, one of our favorites.




We lost my friend Samuel (the guy with glasses) for about an hour, and it turns out he was going up the mountain to take pictures

As soon as we arrived, we put on sunblock and went straight to the water, we felt like fish in the sea. While we were swimming our friend arrived, the owner of the banana, the hot dog, I don't know how you call it, and as we are guys who like adrenaline, we got on.



It's was really funny, we swallowed a lot of water when we fell off the banana, my friend's mom almost lost her bikini and so did I, and I think something grabbed my foot, but if I don't see it it's not true.

We were on the beach until five in the afternoon, the boat where we got there went to pick us up to return to the town. At night, we got back in the car, said goodbye to the woman we had taken to the village, and then, as we drove away, said goodbye to Mochima.



Thanks for reading <3

Text and pics: @valentina23 (pictures taken with different phone: IPhone 12, Huawei Y6 and Redmi Poco)

Translation into Spanish: @valentina23



Para una mejor experiencia, lee este post escuchando"Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride"

¡¡Hola!! ¿Cómo han estado? Este fin de semana fue una locura, aunque tengo varias responsabilidades con la universidad, a mis amigos se les ocurrió la genial idea de hacer un viaje a la playa. Entonces nos fuimos a Mochima, un pequeño pueblo a casi dos horas de la ciudad donde vivimos. Esta localidad es el Parque Nacional Mochima, el cual ofrece facilidades para practicar esquí acuático, paseos en lancha para visitar las diferentes playas que este parque nacional tiene para ofrecer. Entre ellas Las Maritas, Playa Blanca, La Gabarra, Manare, Cautaro y Cautarito (Hay más pero se me olvidaron sus nombres jajajaja). Hay lugares para comer pescado muy fresco, posadas y restaurantes, también hay diferentes lugares para comprar artesanías locales, como collares, sombreros de hojas de palma, dulces típicos y recuerdos del pueblo.



Mientras íbamos camino a Mochima, nos encontramos con una señora que estaba esperando un aventón, en nuestro auto casi no había espacio, pero apretados todos continuamos nuestro camino hacia el pueblo. Gracias al favor que le hicimos, llamó a su marido para que nos llevara en su bote a la playa que queríamos (solo se puede llegar a algunas playas por mar), por el módico precio de 30$ (10$ menos que el precio que cobraban los otros barcos). Llevamos a la señora a su casa gratis y luego nos cobran el bote... Cheverisimo.



Mis amigos "disfrutando" el paseo

El clima era muy bueno, el cielo soleado, el mar en calma, todo perfecto para pasar un día entero en la playa. Finalmente decidimos ir a la playa de Manare, una de nuestras favoritas.




Perdimos a nuestro amigo Samuel (el chico con lentes) como por una hora, y resulta que se había ido a montar en la montaña para tomar fotos

Tan pronto como llegamos, nos pusimos bloqueador solar y fuimos directos al agua, nos sentimos como peces en el mar. Mientras estábamos nadando llegó nuestro amigo, el dueño de la banana, el perro caliente, no sé cómo lo llamas, y como somos chicos a los que les gusta la adrenalina, nos subimos.



Fue muy gracioso, tragamos mucha agua cuando nos caímos de la banana, la mamá de mi amiga casi pierde el bikini y yo también, y creo que algo me agarró el pie, pero si no lo veo no es cierto.

Estuvimos en la playa hasta las cinco de la tarde, el bote donde llegamos fue a recogernos para volver al pueblo. Por la noche, volvimos al auto, nos despedimos de la mujer que habíamos llevado al pueblo y luego, mientras nos alejábamos, nos despedimos de Mochima.



Gracias por leer <3

Texto e imagenes: @valentina23 (las fotos fueron tomadas con distintos telefonos: Iphone 12,Huawei Y6 y Redmi Poco)

Traducción al español:@valentina23


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Yooooo I saw it and rebloged it!!!! Thank you so much ❤️. I'm glad you liked my post, personally it's also one of my favorites 🤭

I think your friends had the right idea, as this looks amazing. I love the jewellery display too. I love the Caribbean Sea and this reminded me of being in Jamaica 🙌
Happy Weekend:)

He took really good pictures, but we were worried because he didn't say a thing about going up to the mountain 😂. The jewelry it's a bit rustic, but it has its charm, I love typical Caribbean jewelry just like you do ❤️

Wow, top photographs. Very beautiful place 😊 Thank you for sharing with us 😊

Your welcome ❤️. I hope to keep going to such beautiful places and share more photos with all of you

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THANKS FOR THE ADVICES!!! 😘 I was kind of lost trying to add the post on the map by my own for the first time 😂

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YEAH!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

What beautiful photos, that landscape looks super beautiful. Mochima is a very nice place and its magnificent beaches 😍

IT ISS!!! I'd like to go back again soon and visit other beaches ☺️. Thanks for reading sweetheart ❤️