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RE: One Wet Day At Lacul Rosu And Bicaz George

in Worldmappinlast year

Awesome adventure in this weather condition. If that would be me, I wouldn’t take up to the challenge of going there in this wet season (I don’t like to be wet and muddy) but good thing you still went. I would never have thought that places like this could be beautiful still in not sunny weather. Kinda dangerous because of the zero visibility, and hiking boots is really a must. From time to time I laughed reading esp the dark ltte part 😅


That's the thing, we have 4 seasons and there's no wet season and dry season as there's in some part of the world. This means it can rain any day and the weather can change quickly. So.... you either jump in or you don't 😁 but no worries, we're not made of paper and getting used to handling such situations can only make you stronger and being stronger makes you enjoy life more.
Driving there is dangerous, but you can learn how to drive in tough conditions.
I'm glad you get the chance to laugh 😂