Let's Climb the Spuller Schafberg | Austria

in Pinmapple7 months ago

In my last blog, I wrote about the lake I visited in the Austrian mountains. During my first visit here I saw a beautiful mountain which I wanted to hike. Back home I looked up the possible trails and the other day, I went back to hike! I found a dry day with a small change on some little rainshower, but I was willing to take a gamble and 10 minutes of rain would not hurt if it means I can spend a beautiful day in the mountains!

Let's Climb the Spuller Schafberg


So I took my bike out to the start of the trail and started hiking. It was a sunny late afternoon, not too hot, truly pleasant weather for a hike. I didn't wanna go too early on the day as I love the afternoon lights and shades on the mountains. It might be my favourite scene to see in front of my camera lens and looking at these photos makes me realize I spend way too little time in the mountains, but next year I might spend all summer in the mountains so I shouldn't have too many regrets here.

The start of the trail was really nice, not too steep but a perfect relaxed afternoon walk over small paths leading me along green fields, flowers and of course, to the start of the climb.


Honestly, I am not so used to such a ascending trails as I am Dutch and Holland is pretty much 100% flat like a pancake I have been long enough abroad to know this is just an excuse I am also always walking too fast with too little breaks, and during the hike I am often wondering why I am doing this. It is certainly a challenge and a better way to exercise than going to the gym which would also not a bad idea actually
And if I look at these views, I definitely know why because the scenery is just something else. The Austrian mountains are truly underrated and one of the most beautiful places on earth.

I am in love with this vibe




I love it how my camera makes me pay even more attention to the little things around



Next time, I should take more breaks and a tent with me, because I would love to wake up with these views. In my head I always have so many ''next times'' and ''next years'', sometimes I am wondering why I didn't do it right this time.

When I was as good as on the top of the mountain but not totally there yet I took a break to enjoy the view over the lake and to catch my breath. I still can't believe that these pictures are real, it feels like places like this only exist in the movies.



*If I look at this picture I am only thinking how badly I wanna go back here! I wanna go camping here! I wanna watch the sunrise here!



*Getting already a little taste of what the view will be like at the top! And it will only get better*

1000030077.jpgStill a decent hike to the top but getting there!

1000030043.jpgAnd steep up the path goes

1000030089.jpgA marmot who got my attention because he was screaming



*I just love how the light and shades look here. That's why I like afternoon/evening hikes*

I drank my can of coke and opened my bag with my favorite candies for some sugar rush Eating a full bag of candies feels really much better after such a hike than on a lazy day at home but it started to rain before I could even finish my little snack. My friend gave me a poncho for a festival and luckily I decided to slide it in my backpack and that Poncho did save me. The weather forecast seemed quite good before I went on the hike but the rain didn't stop anymore. The path down became a little river and I had to walk much more carefully. Good for focus and balance. It kinda felt like a real adventure, I kinda like these weird trips, and the sweater and poncho kept me pretty warm.



Ready for the rain to come I guess

It was truly beautiful to see the clouds passing, and there was thunder and lightning. Incredibly impressive to be in nature like that. However, I realized the dangers and decided to just walk down at a fast pace as far as I could on the wet soil. My camera doesn't like rain so I kept that one in my waterproof backpack. I try to always bring my waterproof backpack on hikes to protect my camera gear.

My shoes? Less prepared I guess.. Such a pity I left my good sandals in holland. I honestly walked barefoot half of this trip down the mountain. I walk barefoot a lot so it isn't really a big deal for my feet

Wonderful Hiking trail isn't it?

1000021880.jpgI felt like it was really cool to see the clouds float by!




I didn't know that toads live on mountains as well but obviously they do! There were a lot of them after the rain started


Thank you for passing by my little page here on the Hive! Hope you enjoyed Austria with me! Next blog I will take you with me to Sardinia Island!



Girl! To see that view in that outfit is a blessing! In almost all of my hikes, I felt I would have to die first before I can see a view like this at the top.

Haha I felt like dying as well but for me, the shoes don't make a big difference. I kinda dislike closed shoes a lot, I hiked mountains on slippers and take them off when it gets too slippery.

I also dislike closed shoes, especially when it gets wet. It's only good if it's waterproof and the hike is in a jungle or in a not established trails.

I had a good chuckle at your choice of footwear; I'd have had hiking boots on, but it seems like your bare feet did a decent job.

Yeah I guess I never had a pair of good hiking boots and never learned to appreciate them. I used to have sandals which gave me a bit more grip but we're still comfortable. My most comfortable "hiking shoes" I ever had were pink shower slippers. I wanna start doing Via Ferrata's next year, I guess then I can't escape hiking shoes anymore and I must learn to appreciate them

Pink slipper hiking footwear...I think if I turned up for a hike wearing pink slippers my mates would toss me off the nearest cliff...but if they're comfortable why not? 😀

I got scared when you were just wearing slippers. And the view reminds me of the movie, The Sound of Music, in which the movie location was in Austria. :D

Oh yeah austra has lots of similar mountains! And the shoes are mostly comfortable. Love my slipoers

I used to hike with my slippers before back to the Philippines but I am not sure about wearing slippers here in Europe to go hiking. Hehe! Good for you. :D

Yeah in all those countries, the local people can do everything on slippers.

You took some spectacular shots on this epic hike / climb. But I cannot agree with you about the Austrian Alps being underrated. At least in my country (Czechia), they are super popular and valued for their breathtaking beauty. A lot of my friends (hikers, climbers, skiers) go to the Austrian Alps every year. Ironically, I spent more time in the Andes than in the Alps but I will try to pay off this debt :)

@tipu curate

Oh yeah many European countries do appreciate Austria, but everyone outside Europe talks a lot about Switzerland. I have a lot of friends who really want to visit Switzerland and probably never heard about Austria or pretty much know nothing about Austria.

I see. In fact, many people don´t know that even countries like Germany, France or Slovenia have a part of the Alpes. The Swiss Alps are the most famous for sure but in Europe, the Austrian Alps are very popular too. In the rest of the world, Austria might be more famous for Arnold Schwarzenegger than for the Alps :D

Totally agree with that, although Germany might even be more famous for Schwarzenegger. Austria just doesn't exist.

Well, I don´t have this experience but I believe you do :) Also, the fact that many people confuse Austria with Australia probably doesn´t help either :D

Amazing and absolutely picturesque shots! I can just imagine how crisp and invigorating the air is over there, must have been so recharging!

Yeah it absolutely is! Can't wait to spend more time in the mountains next summer!

Wow!! What a beautiful place!! I love it!! So magical! So cute your happiness in the middle of the rain!!

Thank you so much!

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I would love to wake up seeing this view atop the mountain too..
So refreshing and relaxing up there..


Yeah right

You can see beauty in these photos. The mountains, the sky, the smile, the lady in the photos all deserve to be called beautiful. I want to visit this place. 😎 !PIZZA 🍕

Thank you!

Welcome. 😎

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I was in Austria last year but only made it to Wien missing the whole show of the mountains which you are right about - they are famous for their beauty. Now seeing your post, makes me regret even more, but I do hope that one day I'll return exclusively for the mountains and get a bit of the feeling you had while hiking Spuller Schafberg :)

I think you should, although, don't you have stunning mountains in Romania as well?

Absolutely! But you know the feeling, there is always something that looks more interesting in other country than yours 🤣

Haha yeah I do know that feeling! I am honestly really trying to "be happy where I am" and just go slow, trying to not want to see everything and just be where I am without planning my next trip too much (which is hard. There is always something better)

Yeah, that's the healthiest thing we can do for ourselves! Otherwise we are always in a rush to see something else and completely forget about the current moment. Which ends in not enjoying anything at all and then have plenty of regrets for not doing so!


Climbing and exploring the mountain does have a very deep meaning, I really like it when we are on top of the peak and we can see a lot of refreshing natural beauty

Oh yeah it is so beautiful!

Omg ...the views are so beautiful 😍

Did you hike in your flipflops?????

Yess I did!

Even the second picture in your post with the lake surrounded by mountains is spectacular, in fact the whole post is gorgeous, I love these mountain hikes.

wooow! this is so pretty @xsasj ! The mountain with a house on top was like the one in the movie "If Only"

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Beautiful country, stunning pictures and always nice to see you smile... but nothing in this post can beat the choice you made with your "shoes" 😂
Positive vibes guaranteed! 😎