Days I would never forget.

in Comedy Open Mic9 months ago (edited)

Good day to you all. I am Pirate Q. The one and only Pirate that sails a paper ship. Don't worry about the paper ship sinking. Pirate Q never drowns. There is always a way out unless you feel there is no way out again. I believe in God, smart work, my phone, and my sub…

There are a lot of days in the past, if we get to look back at the days spent and count each day for the years we used in life then we would realize how much we’ve spent. Yet all those days in the past came with their memories, some are fun-filled while some are sad days. But we tend to forget most of them and remember the good ones. Throwback to my days in the past and some unforgettable incidents that occurred to me and my siblings.

The fake Lion.

I don't know how this happens but most times when our parents are not at home we count those days as play days because we are always indoors either we are studying or we watch movies and cartoons. Mum won't tolerate rough play. So this day we were so free that we played so much during the day.

We knew our parents would be back by night time or probably extend to the next day. My sister suggested we play hide and seek. So everyone was excited and then the game went on for hours. I remembered how I went to hide myself in the laundry basket in our room, covering myself with clothes in the basket so she couldn’t find me.

It was really fun until they brought electricity and we ran to watch cartoons till night. We already thought the light would be on till the next day. But to our surprise they took it and we were left in darkness. We managed our way into the bedroom like blind men, then we went to jam ourselves to one corner of the room waiting for our parents to arrive. After some time my sister spotted something moving at a corner of the room.

What could that be? The more we stare at it the more it creates an imagination in our head. My brother said that’s a lion! Immediately we all saw a lion shaking. No one could go near. We made a barricade with the bed we were to sleep on and then slept on the floor till the next morning. The first thing we went to confirm was the lion. Then we realized it was the clothes I scattered from the laundry basket while playing hide and seek.

A day Doctor

We won't learn a lesson until we become a victim or an example. Our parents were out on another sunny day. We were warned not to go outdoors but we never wanted to miss the opportunity. After we finished watching the Power Rangers series. We got energized by the skill those rangers had and how they got to rescue a lot of people from the villains.

I want to be a superhero. I got wood as my sword, tied a rubber band around my hands as my magical watch, and then put on Mum's headgear to cover my face which served as my mask. My brother did the same and we began to train so badly. We would save the world someday.

There was an incomplete building in our compound. I went there to practice my flying and landing skills. I climbed the wall up above the window level then jumped over and landed safely. This gingered me to make another jump. I climbed to the top again and took another jump hoping to land safely but this time around I finally landed my neck and arms on a rope that was tied across the walls. I got stuck and twisted, and when I would land, instead of landing on my feet I landed my face on the floor. Power Rangers is already dead.

I never knew where I was again until I woke up in pain and saw my brother applying some balm and spirit to my injuries. My neck got injured by the rope and I had swelling on my forehead. I wasn’t bothered by those pains from the injury but the pain I had was how my parents wouldn't know about those injuries. We had to lie that I slipped in the kitchen and got injured.

The great thunder

Every time the thunder strikes I would always remember this incident and smile at my young self back then. It was a rainy day and everyone was in the sitting room after we had breakfast. I insisted I wanted to have more food. Then I was asked to go and get some in the kitchen myself. When I got to the kitchen, got the food, and was about to return to the sitting room this heavy thunderstruck with lightning. The ray from the lightning penetrated through the kitchen window. Seeing that light spark directly towards my side. I threw away my plate of food and ran as fast as I could to the sitting room.

I was breathing heavily when I was asked what happened. I said I saw an angel flash across the kitchen. Later after everyone laughed at me. I was told it was just lightning that happens at the time when the thunder strikes.

Presently, while I am writing this another heavy and fully charged thunder struck again and I almost threw my phone away.

Header Image from Unsplash


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The imagination in the darkness is something that always scares me a lot. Sometimes I will keep my eyes on objects and I will think the object is a ghost all because there is absence of light.


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Power rangers 🤔
I imagined the scenario of falling with the face instead of feet. OMG!😢

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Lol, A pirate that's afraid of thunder 😂.. that's a new one

"Angel flash across the kitchen" Like seriously?