"We Had a Good Run at It" Claims DHF Fund Recipient

in Comedy Open Mic6 months ago (edited)

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A Hive Developer was lamenting on his Chaise Longue today after his longest week as a Hive Community Member.
"Things were going so well since 2019" claimed @bettybostano.
"I applied for a DHF proposal back in October 2019 as I had an update to do on the backend regarding the login and logout authentication buttons on Hive, and the proposal went through"
"Since then I am getting 500HBD per week which is great" claimed the "dev".
"However some snakes in this great community got jealous and started to ask questions about what I was actually doing and now the game is up" said a disappointed bostano .

"I only really needed to fix the background colour in the login CSS from the Steem green to the Hive red and black. It took me around 5 minutes and 2 commits to update the remote repo. But I kept getting the funding so who am I to say otherwise. Every year I make up some spiel about updating the mainframe and we are good for another year.
"I tended to keep it at 500 HBD to stay under the radar. Not to get too greedy but 2000 HBD a monthfor the last 4 years is after creating a nice little nest egg for myself and my darling wife. As well as that we were able to quit or jobs and purchase a holiday home by the coast. That is the power of Hive right there. I am forever grateful to Hive for giving me this."

"That login button is after changing my life."

"Some nosey parker is after looking up my commits on Github and I have none since 2020."
"The nerve of them to do such a thing."
"Luckily if anyone asks me about it I will politely ask them to stop tagging me on mental health grounds."
"It always stops the heat for a bit."
"Everyone knows I'm a robbing b&*tard but I pull the mental health card to avoid the tough questions."
"And once I close my laptop then I am back to my real life where things are comfortable."

"But overall what can I say." I had a great run at it. Some of the other devs did the same but instead of transferring straight to Binance , these guys put the DHF funding straight into HBD savings which is pretty clever of them. 1 year later they have 20% on top of their original funding. They can argue that they can do whatever they want with the funding they get. But sometimes I think this is the reason we have all been sprung. Being too cute about it and the lowly peasants who have a love Hive power than me get the hump."

"Valueplan took the heat off us for a while as well giving massive funding to projects that do not translate to signups which is what it was built for so us "devs" got away with things in the background when they were taking the heat. Although on closer scrutiny it looks like the people getting the funding have very close ties to the whales that are voting for them. One would wonder if there are a few brown envelopes flying around. I got involved with Valueplan for a while and it was fairly lucrative. Another faucet for me but there was too much heat on it so I slinkered back into the background."

I have a post prepared defending my 550K in HBD that I transferred to Binance last year. I purchased some Splinterlands cards and I have a good chunk of GLX in Genesis League. Overall I put 14k back into the ecosystem so I am supporting the system. That is proof. People can't say a thing. And I lost money on this 14k as the tokens went down in value. That is 14K that I could have spent for an extra maid in my house for Christ sake.

But the biggest advice I can give to wanna be DHF proposals is befriend the whales on Hive because a couple of votes can make you a wealthy individual or someone that doesn't have to work. The truth be told that I am not even a dev. I just did a bit of HTML and CSS on Code Academy and I am living like a king here in Columbia. Hive this way is far from the decentralised mecca that these people are spouting on about all over X Twitter. The same people have the place fairly centralised and are in control of the purse strings so it is more like an oligarchy than anything else. But the peasants have spoken and gotten their say so the upper crusts have to now distance themselves from me." But what do I care? The two mortgages are paid off and Hive ain't gonna be around long enough. There is so much downward pressure due to people like me transferring Hive out of the ecosystem that the price will never increase to anything like what we would expect. Users will get angry and the last people left with be the 10-15 people in charge and their stake will then be worthless. But do you know what's not worthless. My 7 bedroom house in Columbia so suck my juicy balls!! Even if I do get cut on my funding , it's easy street from here on in while you losers battle over the penny's you get on your shitty posts. Enjoy!!



Yeah, what can I say. Some buggers are just crafty. Wish I was clever enough to pull something like that off, wouldn't mind an auld summer house in the Caribbean with a yacht to go with it. Serious upgrade from my house truck lol xxxx

That gives me an idea. I may apply for DHF funding for a new camper. Sure why not. We can just say we wanna promote Hive and head around to places to sign people up. Might apply for 3000 HBD per week on top for the giggles. oh I have been meaning to chat to you about Spanish campers. Friend of mine in the trade . They are 15k cheaper in Spain than in Ireland so if you buy one there , drive it up and sell it here , taking out the VRT you end up 15k in the black. Do it twice a year and you have a decent side salary. yup.

I miss this bit, just came across this and on my bookmark. Will comment more later 😂so I don't forget of this one.

The impact of hive can never be overemphasized, in as much as we give something or implemented something that improves the ecosystem, then we'll most likely get something in return.

You've done well for yourself and used the weekly fund generated from your proposal wisely.

It's painful such situation you slated plays out here, although you said it's all fiction, but hehehe we both know better.

Love it how comedy parody reality! lol