Effective Communication Techniques: It's Easier Than You Think


Hello Hive folks!

Today I want to share with you some knowledge that will help you make your life a little better.

Why can two people offer the same theses in meaning, but no one hears one, and thousands of people follow the second? Sometimes the work is not only in content, but also in form.

NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is a set of techniques used to communicate effectively and persuasively. It can help you build strong relationships with others, influence people’s decisions, and make you a more effective communicator.

Sometimes people think that NLP is manipulative practice. But in my opinion all depends on how you use your knowledge. A simple example is the Kremlin dictator Putin. Most of the time he talks and does complete shit (by the way, he knows just a lot about shit, it’s not for nothing that a special employee carries a suitcase for the dictator’s shit everywhere), but nevertheless, the Russians believe his lies. But most normal and adequate people use NLP to improve their communication skills. By using NLP techniques, we can further understand how our words and actions affect others in order to create better communication experiences. Through NLP, we can learn more about psychology and empathy so that we can better understand our communication partners and build better relationships with them.

Here are some NLP tricks I learned. They are very simple but they really work and can help you stay on top of your game when it comes to communication. From understanding the power of body language to using the right words in conversations, these tricks can help you become a good communicator.


Lern to listen

It sounds very simple and obvious. But the truth is that many people just don’t know how to listen to others. At the same time listening is a powerful tool in communication. It can help us to understand and empathize with the person we are talking to, and it can also help us learn more about them without having to ask questions. This is especially true when it comes to natural language processing (NLP). NLP allows us to listen more closely and accurately pick up on subtle cues that would otherwise be missed if we were just asking questions.

By listening without giving advice or gleaning information, we can gain a better understanding of the person's psychology, their values, their interests, and even their emotions. This kind of empathetic listening helps us build stronger relationships with the people around us and can even lead to greater insight into ourselves as well.


Choose the right words.

Communication is an essential skill for any successful relationship, whether it be professional or personal. In order to communicate effectively, we must be aware of the different ways in which people express themselves. One of the most important aspects of communication is understanding how to respond when someone else has a different opinion than you.

In this context, saying "You're right" instead of "I know" can make a huge difference in how you are perceived by others. It shows that you have empathy and respect for the other person's opinion and that you are willing to listen and consider their point of view. This approach also helps to avoid any potential conflicts or misunderstandings while communicating with others.


Initiate dialogue gently

Communication can sometimes be a challenge, especially when emotions are running high. However, there is a way to "force" someone to communicate: asking a simple question about some numbers or personal information. This technique works well because it taps into the psychology of communication and empathy.

Ask questions in such a way that the person being asked feels understood and more willing to open up. Questions about numbers or personal information create an opportunity for dialogue, allowing us to better understand the other person's perspective and build trust. By asking simple questions in this manner, we can create an environment where people feel comfortable enough to be open and honest with each other.


Smile and be kind.

When it comes to communication, we often underestimate the power of a smile. A simple smile can go a long way in making someone feel welcomed and appreciated. It can be used as an effective tool to build relationships and foster empathy between people.

Smiling is more than just a physical gesture; it is also an emotional one that conveys our feelings and intentions to others. By smiling, we are showing that we care about the other person's well-being and are willing to listen to what they have to say.

Researchers have found that even small gestures like smiling can have significant psychological effects on people’s emotions and behaviors. Smiling when you meet someone not only makes them feel valued but also helps build trust between two people, which is essential for successful communication.

So if you want to make sure that people enjoy seeing you every ti they meet you, then try smiling more often!


Small Favors Method

If you want to make someone treat you better, just ask him for a small favor. For example, ask him or her for something like "Could you hold my phone for a couple of seconds." This will deceive the brain into thinking: "I agreed to help this person, so I like him/her."

This is a good way for getting people to treat us better and get along with us more easily in general.


Thank people for the qualities you want from them.

This is probably one of the most unusual and unexpected psychological tricks but it also works. For example, instead of apologizing to the client for being late, it would be better to thank them for their patience and understanding.


The goal of any dispute is to find a compromise.

During a dispute, try not to shut up the person's mouth and point your finger at his mistakes, try to listen to him carefully first. The goal of any dispute is to find a compromise. You can learn a lot from people who say things you don't agree with.

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I love the Small Favours method when used mindfully and occasionally. Some nice tips here, thanks for sharing.

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