The Princess Diaries 2 Royal Engagement Directed by Garry Marshall Review:

in Movies & TV Shows2 months ago


In "The Princess Diaries" saw the ascencion of Princess Mia in taking her place as a Princess of Genovia on which she was surprised to learn by sudden surprise which she initially decline to recognize until she came into her senses that she needs to take her place for the sake of her people.

The Film's Narrative

The film's story is about the danger of Princess Mia on her way to be officially become Princess of Genovia. You see, becoming a Princess is not outright it has to go through formal process according to the laws of the kingdom which a royal will govern once he/she became the royal with highest position, in that case, Princess Mia (see image below).


"The Princess Diaries 2 Royal Engagement" was able to portray how stressful it could be for a princess in order to officially take the throne by marrying. You see, marriage is not child's play, once you are married you need to adhere to the sanctity of the matrimony and there is also the danger of marrying someone that you don't love at all just because you need to in order to be officially queen.

"The Princess Diaries 2 Royal Engagement" failed to give more weight to the politics inside a kingdom but the film successfully showed what a kingdom is like with its usual politics. Also, The Princess Diaries 2 Royal Engagement showed that a kingdom is not immune to act of "power grabbing" as Viscount Mabrey reiterates his nephew's right to the throne (see image below)

"The Princess Diaries 2 Royal Engagement" lacked the seriousness in showing the extent of the situation that Princess is going through but it is a romance comedy maybe that's how it is made.

I was actually surprised at the action of Princess Mia when he stepped on the foot of Nicholas when she finally knew who he was.

"The Princess Diaries 2 Royal Engagement" is brilliant is portraying royal engagement. Specifically when Princess Mia and Andrew met each other at a beach. But just like any other royals the film successfully mimics the reality of being royal (always being followed by media). As a normal person while I am watching The Princess Diaries 2 Royal Engagement I think I can't live how royal live it is just like you are being squeezed and almost no freedom to go anywhere you want without being followed. Check the image below of Andrew and Princess Mia.

I was actually liking some scene on The Princess Diaries 2 Royal Engagement very much like the one when Princess Mia was hiding from her maids. Imagine a Princess playing hide and seek your maids is a lot of fun I think.


The Princess Diaries 2 Royal Engagement has lived up to the expectation and it was able to bring back the magic of the past film. There are lots of fun scene, interesting scenes, and light hearted scenes, including some twists that surprises me.

Thought I feel that the film lacks in some areas but as a whole it did a great job in duplicating the achievement of the first film. No wonder that this film is a hit when it was released twenty years ago. It remains to be one of the light-hearted romance comedy to date.

If you like romance comedies why not explore it in the world of royals. This film is highly recommended.

About the Author

@chenee is a bartender by profession, a plain housewife caring for my family. I love pancit, I love to play online games, and I also love to sing and dance

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