
I enjoyed this movie a lot more than I thought I was going to. Diving into the world of the politics that exist on reservations is something that we don't really hear much about and to me at least, that is what made this film so interesting.

I understand what you are saying, the political theme here is quite dark and in that sense the director knew how to convey that reality in a great way. It is undoubtedly an interesting film.

Hello @musicandreview
My grandfather loves these types of movies, we even saw this one a while ago, and we loved it
Thanks for sharing your point of view

It's a great movie, glad you got to see it. Greetings to you and your grandfather!

How are you dear friend @musicandreview good morning
This is a great recommendation, this is one of those movies that has you trapped on the couch without getting up until the end.
I take this opportunity to wish you a great day

Yes, it's certainly a movie that captures your full attention, it's great. Have a great day!

This is a cool film, Jeremy and elizabeth are extraordinary actors in playing their roles, I like this film bro, I have watched it, thank you for sharing this story, I was reminded of the past when I watched this film, thank you

They are both very good actors, and yes, the movie is very good, I'm glad I reminded you of it with this post. It was a pleasure to share!

The trailer is also very interesting and as you just mentioned, I will definitely try to watch it on Sunday.

I hope you can enjoy it, it's a great movie!

Thanks for sharing.

La he visto y realmente me ha encantado sobre todo por la atención que se vive a cada momento y a medida que se va descubriendo la verdad es sumamente sorprendente es triste el final de esa pobre chica Cómo terminó a manos de esos degenerados

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo, es lamentable como la chica vivió ese infierno frío por culpa de unos inescrupulosos, es una dura realidad. Mil gracias por tu visita bro!

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