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RE: See (series): It's ok, but is absolutely loaded with time-wasting filler

in Movies & TV Showslast month

a bit disappointed that they somehow managed to make this epic series so incredibly boring just by attempting to extend it to be longer

Exactly what I was gonna say. At times the producers place a lot of importance in making the series longer so they can make more money off it and then they tend to make it really boring in the middle.

But can we blame them? Even though they are out there to entertain us they are still here to make profit and they will be fools not to make money from the hype the series got.

I for one have watched it and just like you I was wowed by the first episode to want to continue to watch it.

I'd rate it a 7 out of 10 by the way it ended and I think apart from the boring convos inbetween it's a good movie to watch.


You've watched all of them? Like all 3 seasons? The finale of season 1 impressed me a bit, but it just took them so damn long to get to that point with a ton of "side missions" that didn't contribute to the overall story in any way.

haha yes I've watched all of them. At a point I was pretty annoyed as to how the story line was going. Too much details in the scenes made it boring at times but I wanted to see how it ended so I forced myself to watch.

this will likely be the same story with me. The episode recaps are pretty long at the start so instead of watching all of them I will probably skip every other one because I already know that almost nothing will happen in most of them.

Oh that’s understandable