
Freechain is a dao funded informative documentary that is already on the festival circuit. This project is a dramatic feature length film and no appart of freechain at all. Very different projects with different objectives. Check out our previous posts over the past couple of years for more info

But do you have already a plan about the marketing and distribution of the film and where it will be seen? Apparently this important piece was left out with "Freechain".

Marketing any sort of production is insanely difficult. Especially if it's a niche documentary. Most of the sort tend to release at one or two festivals and then are never seen or heard of again. It's why this area of film mostly sticks to things like YouTube and frequent, similar stories that can be supported/funded elsewhere. One of my biggest concerns over Freechain was the funds that were asked for, particularly due to this reason.

From a marketing perspective, there's very little the Hive community can do to promote such things. A release to YouTube would genuinely be the best course of action: free and on a platform in which much of the world actively uses.

Depending on if/when/how this gets released, it could be great for Hive to have yet another production under its name. The more that appear, the more reason for front-ends to start featuring productions and links to find them on their pages.