Understanding the Fair Rewards System of #Hive

in LeoFinance4 months ago

This is one of the best topic to be discussed in the #hive blogging site about "How will get more benefit, Author or Curator". Many people are confused about curating system in the #hive ecosystem.

Specially this post is for the new comers or who have migrated from #Steemit platform who are confused with the reward system of #Steemit.

In steemit the curator and author rewards are not the same. Which means you need to vote those writers who are probably getting larger upvotes.

Also they have the specific timing for getting more rewards from upvotes. I am not sure about their timing but I guess you must upvote a content within 5 minutes of the post published.

That is the main reason why Steemit platform is rubbish because there is more reward if only you are more intelligent or you are finding for the highest reward system.

Comparing Curator and Author Rewards in the #Hive

But in #hive the scenario is change. Here the author and curator will get equal rewards. There is no timing for upvoting and also there is no such thing where you upvote only those contents who probably get biggest upvotes.

Rather, here the rewards are distributed equally among the curator and author.

The only advantage for curator is that without any effort they will get 50% of the reward. But for the author they must write a good content to get upvotes and get the 50% rewards.

This is how the upvoting and reward system works in the #hive ecosystem. If I am wrong seniors can correct me.

What do you people think about curator and author, who is more in benefit? What do you like the most either to do curating or being an author? Will be glad to see your answers in the comment section.

I hope you find this post useful and informative. If you do, please remember to reblog it so that it reaches as many people as possible and that they can benefit the most from it. Also, remember to upvote, which will help me financially and grow my account.


Thank You!
Best Wishes.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Post voted 100% for the hiro.guita project. Keep up the good work.

New manual curation account for Leofinance and Cent