Forcing yourself

in LeoFinance28 days ago

Being ARROGANT actually forces you to win in life.


You read that correctly, I am the most arrogant person and you know what? You should be too.

But let me clarify so you don't get the wrong take on this, you have to be arrogant in a different way than 99% of the arrogant bozos you see everywhere, Hive included.

You have to use it is as a source of power, not as a way to look stupid like, I'll explain what I mean:

I am arrogant BEFORE my wins, I am arrogant BEFORE I set my goals.

Then, AFTER succeeding, I remain humble.

The fuel part is key and this is how it works: When you are arrogant you have a certain expectation to live up to, you have set high expectations for yourself, and you either achieve them or you end up looking like a fool.

I am the most arrogant person BEFORE my success, I tell everyone that’s doubting me that they’re going to regret it, They look at me like I’m crazy.

Now I MUST prove them wrong, I MUST win.

I have just created immense pressure on myself.

Failure is not an option, I am FORCED to win.

Then when I win, I don’t boast.

No, I stay humble.

I let my success speak for itself.

Most of you have the wrong kind of arrogance, you only show off your wins looking like one arrogant piece of shit.

Please don’t do that, God will humble you.

Instead, use it as fuel to meet the expectation you’ve set for yourself.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


No one likes a sore loser, and no one likes a sore winner.

always knew you were arrogant eric O.O


wait who are u O.O are u his brother

No? Do I look like his brother?

That was a great comment. I love the humor.

o.o i mean it's possible. I can see the resemblance?

Hahahaha! That is funny.

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I think I understand the meaning of arrogant you want to mean by this post. In fact, I think I am also an arrogant person like you and it's my strength also. Whatever I achieved in my life, it's the result of my arrogance.

You're so right, we must be determined to succeed, I think that's the essence of this post, arrogant for greatness not the other eau round, thanks for sharing.

This is inspiring, arrogantly pressurizing yourself towards greatness should be the goal, and when you are humble after your success, you even command more power and respect.

Indeed. I find this is a mindset of being "on the offensive" that has led me to success in strategy games, meetings, projects and obtaining Hive goals.

It is all the same, as you say, that arrogance forces your to take the initiative and run at the obstacles with all your might - then the obstacles give way! If you do not have that attitude, if you are passive... well then the obstacles stop you dead in your tracks...

.....and be the silent winner with the big smile afterwards...

I envy those who are confident, cause that confidence can bring one further in life. For someone who lost his confidence is pretty hard to be arrogant, as nothing he does is fueled by the confidence!
