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RE: Demystifying HIVE: Utilise your Voting Power

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Here is how a small account is doing.

apr compare.png

The small added in table is his position on Asher's Curation and Engagement League, he is in 87 place of top 100 earners. He may have less than 60 HP, but as a percentage he is doing better than a lot of people below him with more HP.

I expect he votes mostly on post, but I did not research that deeply. For the week he only made 87 votes, just a little bit more than ten votes a day.

It will not be to difficult to move off of the 4% APR if you just change a few habits.


Well, I might have to deal with this topic again. It is not quite clear to me yet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta