Home working

in LeoFinancelast month


Today was our remote working day and it went rather smoothly. I am still in the academy, so we did some learning and just talked about various aspects of the job.

Anyway, the highlight of my day was getting feedback from my team leader. He has some positive things to say about my performance yesterday and I have to say, it is a major boost to my confidence.

I handled a couple of calls yesterday and one of them was a very angry customer that was on the brink of leaving. However, I was able to convince him to stay with us and I reckon that's something that might have worked in my favour.

Hearing my team leader speak so glowingly about me, my input and my future at the company was very uplifting. Getting recognized for your input is a confidence builder that can never be over stated.

I like the general feel of working in this company and I believe that with the right mindset, I will excell in my role. I also think that in the nearest future, I will be taking on even more responsibility and in the process, more money.

During my one on one with my team leader, we also discussed my potential within the company and how my skill set could see me climb up the ladder. I'm obviously not going to get ahead of myself because it has only been 3 weeks but at the end of the day, it's raindrops that form an ocean.

For the next couple of months, I'll be working towards mastering my role while also figuring out how I can upskill and move up the ranks at the end of my probation period. Things are really looking up.


Hope you are enjoying your new work dear friend