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RE: Introducing the New LeoAds Mechanic | LEO POWER Balances Will Begin Growing with Built-In APY From LeoFinance Ad Revenue

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I will admit it does for sure have me motivated. I loved seeing the monthly ad reports and missed them when they stopped coming in. To me they where a way for me to know if I should be writing and promoting more (of course that is always the case) but it kind of lights a fire under me knowing.

Things like the top 50 active people on LEO report that comes out weekly also fires me up and helps me make corrections when I see myself slack off.

An extra 4% -10% is massive as Hive only pays out 2.8% the other big thing to take note of is there are features within LEO that currently are in place that are heavily underutilized such as paying a promotion cost of LEO to promote an ad and countless other systems.

There's also no reason they some type of UI could be built right into LEOFinance for both CUBDeFi/Binance and PolyCub/Polygon (at least I don't think there would be) which would help drive awareness to these platforms and pretty much make it feel like a full system witch LeoFinance being the primary hub or command center for it all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


At a minimum this needs to be built into the UI. One of the "ads" has to be for the value of powering up LEO and participating in the ad revenue.

This could simply be a gif that is posted on the side.

That way newer people will at least start to question it and could learn how to partake.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta