Finally, Friday! / Reblog Lottery

in LeoFinance6 months ago

It's finally Friday! We made it!

To celebrate, let's play a game! The winner will get 100% of the payout from one of my Saturday posts. I'll tag the winner in the post so you can share with your followers. 🤑


I'll give the Saturday post a $1 Ecency boost. If for some reason Ecency declines to upvote it, I'll promote the post for 1 day to help it get more exposure.

The post will also be eligible for my reblog lottery, to encourage my followers to share it with everyone else. I'll also call in upvotes from DHedge and HiQ to help upvote it as much as possible! 😁

How to Enter

  1. I'll post a question and you leave your answer in the comments
  2. Follow me (If you’re already a follower, ignore this step)
  3. Reblog this post
  4. If you missed any of the previous steps, go back and complete them or your entry won't count 😬

I'll randomly pick a winner from everyone who comments through 11:59PM MST (US Mountain Standard Time).

The Question
What is the worst Christmas gift you ever received, and what did you do with it?

...and go! 😁

Each month, I give away a $1 Goldback or 4 HBD. The winner gets to choose.
Note: Some countries may have prohibitively expensive shipping or delivery, which may not be feasible. I reserve the right to award the winner 4 HBD instead of a Goldback at my discretion.

Not sure what a goldback is? Click here to find out more about them.

How The Reblog Lottery Works

  1. Follow me. (If you're not a follower, you won't be entered into the drawing)
  2. Look for "Reblog lottery" in any of my post titles.
    Make sure it's for the current contest month, and is 6 days old or less, and click "Reblog".
    (Reblogging an older post will not get you an entry)
  3. An upvote is appreciated but not required, and does not give you additional entries.
  4. You'll get one entry for each qualifying article you reblog this way.
  5. At the end of the month I'll enter your name into the drawing and pick a winner at random.
    Note: Bots are not eligible to win

Hi there! I saw your posts pop-up on @thebighigg's account and figured I'd check them out as well. So here I am :)

Let's have a good dig into my memory for the worst Christmas present, as I would not remember one specifically right away.. Thinking back to my teen years I think the perfume my boyfriend at the time gave me was the worst gift ever (as far as I recall) because it was a men's perfume and he said it was a women's perfume, lol. I found the smell odd and it was not to my liking at all, he didn't pay much attention neither made a big effort so that was a bummer.

I've never been one that desires big gifts, it's the thought that counts after all, but receiving a perfume that's so far from the usual thing I wear (not too heavy) and not even meant for women was showing me he really didn't make any effort to buy me something. I would have preferred a hand written Christmas card as a gift instead, costing him nothing, lol.

Curious to read more entries, so definitely checking in more often!

Have a lovely weekend :)


Hey there! Welcome!

I'm sorry your boyfriend at the time didn't put any thought or effort into the gift he got you.

Hopefully, now you have someone who does put thought into the gift, so it's extra special when you open it on Christmas. 🙂

I'm toying with a redo of this contest since a lot of people didn't comment. Part of that is probably because it's Friday night, and people want to get out and start the weekend.

You have a great weekend, too, and thanks for commenting! 😁

Yeah, nice to meet you! I've not been the most active in the past months due to getting put without water at our previous home and house hunting with a huge priority. Thankfully, we moved a month ago but I'm only really settling down now due to being in between boxes for the full month, lol.

Good to find a new connection here, always welcome!

Oh the one I have now is definitely nothing alike the old one when I was a teenager. We often don't really buy gifts for each other unless we have something we need or want. I yet have to gather this year's gifts, lol.

This is a common thing on Hive, I also notice it with the CineTV blogs, engagement is super low and it can be highly demotivating at times. Thankfully, eventually it always catches up again at some point.

Enjoy the weekend :)

You must be killin' it out here!
@thisismylife just slapped you with 10.000 PIMP, @bulliontools.
You earned 10.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 3/3 possible people today.


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@bulliontools, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/2) but the mana is too low. Try again later.

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Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - November 2023 Winners List
Be ready for the December edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - December 1st 2023

Socks probably 🤣 and I wore em not much else to do !BBH

Lol! You didn't turn them into some sort of creative art project? 😜

Not this time around 🤣 !BBH

@bulliontools! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman. (8/50)

@bulliontools! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman. (9/50)

@bulliontools, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/2) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @bulliontools gets !PIMP from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻

Aw man @hiq.smartbot, you are out of PIMP to slap people.
Go Stake some more and increase your PIMP power.
(We will not send this error message for 24 hours).


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Hi there! 🤗

I remember the last Christmas present I received was from my housemates. We had an exchange gift event on Boxing Day, and since we agreed to buy gifts worth RM50, almost everyone ended up getting the same gift.

With 11 of us, I ended up receiving the same gift that I had bought for my friend. It felt like I was buying my own present, which wasn't very exciting. However, everyone was happy and laughing.😜

The gift was a bath set from "The Body Shop," which was trending at the time. I actually used it, just like everyone else did, since we shared two bathrooms among 11 girls.🫣

Great story! Fortunately, at least the gift you ended up with was something you could use, but I can see how getting your own gift wouldn't be exciting at all.

The worst was def a dress that was way too small for me and I couldn't return or change because it was second hand 😬

Oh man, that's a bummer! 😔