I Bought and Opened Two Gladius Packs: What Did I Get?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

It's been a while since I wrote anything on Hive due to my busy schedule. But now that I have time on hand, I decided to write something.

For my comeback article, I will write about the cards I've received after opening two Gladius Packs. Yeah, not the most exciting article but I can't really think of anything right now. Maybe once I got my rhythm back, I'll write something better. Anyway, I digress...


So revealing the first card net me another copy Cutter Brieze, a rare card from the Earth splinter deck. It's a good card but I wished I got something new.


Revealing the second card net me another copy of Hugo Strongsword, a common Life splinter card. Again, nothing too exciting.


The third card is Alva the Crusher, a common Water splinter card. I already have a few copies of this card so I'm not really too thrilled in getting another one.


The fourth card is Helmet Kharafax, a common Life splinter card that was namely wronged. I mean, why the hell is he called Helmet when he's not wearing a helmet?


Revealing the fifth and sixth cards net me two Bertrol Gobson. Again, I already have a few copies of this card so getting two more is kinda lame.


The 7th card is revealed to be Palidon Rakk, a rare Earth splinter card that'll make a good tank. Sadly, I already have more than one copy of this card so I'm not too excited in pulling another one.


Revealing the 8th and 9th cards netted me two copies of the Witch of Warwick. Could this bunch be a dud? I mean, I haven't gotten anything new yet... On to the 10th card.


Aha! I finally got a new card after nine disappointment. Kotriphus Bayne, a rare Water splinter card looks like it'll make a nice tank considering that it has 12 health. Although it only has two melee attack and two speed, it'll still make a good addition to my Water deck. Not bad at all.

And so that's everything. Although I still didn't get any epic or legendary card; getting a new card somewhat makes up for it.

That's all for now. Thank for reading.

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