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RE: How To Increase You Results On Hive

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I use Ecency every day on my phone and my PC. I don't post with my phone but I use the comment and vote function all the time. I only post with my PC. But I know people who do even post with their phones. Not every person has a PC but most people have a mobile phone with internet. Therefore the Ecency app is their gateway to web3 and Hive. This is a huge advantage for Ecency over other frontends.


Regardless of a laptop or a smartphone, I think Ecency is the only hope for a beginner to assuage its expectation. Albeit it takes time to build those points, still worth it, consider a beginner.

You are right, Ecency is really beginner friendly and the community / discord is very helpful.
This is the second time I read it takes 'time' to build those points. I never had any problems with points. You get points for nearly every interaction on Hive. I tell people all the time, they have to engage with other people and posts. If you do that regularly, you get enough points every day.

I said "it takes time" in the context of the expectation a Beginner generally has. But if you really look at how the points are working both at the micro and macro level, the dynamics encourage the beginner to engage in Hive from the get go. Because with every comment & vote, you keep earning those points which later you may use to boost. Ecency should get more support from the DHF.

Well said! I see new people on discord every day and Ecency is growing. Also, the devs are working on Ecency constantly. I think they don't even sleep at all. 😏
Have a great day!

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Thank you so much for this generosity. I am grateful to you. Ecency points are valuable assets for people like me.

My pleasure! Helping each other is my favorite part of being on Hive!