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RE: Maximizing Earnings and Supporting High-Quality Content on Hive: The Helios Token Project

in LeoFinancelast year

I am curious about one thing! :D

What is a quality post?
I don't personally write big in-depth posts, so they properly wont count as "quailty" and I did try to use 10 Helios on some of them :p


A quality post is one that adds value to both your post and the overall ecosystem. To ensure this, your post must be original, contain more than 500 words, and demonstrate a sincere effort on your part.

Thata a stupid reason :D

Many posts adds to the ecosystem without hitting 500 words.

And 500 word posts can also be shit, if I just write the same word over and over again xD

This is my understanding of what constitutes a quality post. However, it's subjective, and it's up to you to form your own opinion on the matter.