Wealth is a belief

in LeoFinance13 days ago


You've probably heard of the abundant-scarcity model or mindset. Where others sense limitations, still at such places or platforms, another will sense opportunity. Whether you accept it or not, truth be told, 'man is a being of belief'. It may chuckle you to know that 'even unbelieve is a belief', so wherever you chose to place yourself is likely to present you with the needed opportunity or the awaited threat. You know, there were times I used to believe there is not enough money in the system until I jumped into the world of finance to gain exposure.

I onced said that the Internet has even enough goodies to enrich only if you know how to go about (of course you know I am talking about ethical means). 'Even in the poorest of countries you'll find rich men and even in the richest of countries, you'll also find poor men'. Can't really recall whether I read about this or I was told by a friend yet the fact remains true. Money exception of being tagged basically to paper notes are numbers and this is where wealth hangs, 'your ability to manipulate this numbers to make meaning. Be it goods, services, products, commodity, land or any asset you can think of, you'll have to learn the manipulation system of increase.

I wouldn't want to talk of what would make others poor but I would love to use myself as a case study with a question like, how would I behave to become poor? I will start from negative attitude towards what I think and plan. Once one establishes a belief that a project he ought to go into cannot work, there is a higher chance of impending doom. It has been one of the many stories you hear; no one succeeded this in our family, we are not good at business, we are misfortuned, wealth is not my thing, I don't have that boldness and the many likes.

The point to note here is, inasmuch as many have been born into wealth, some have had to create a platform for their wealth and what helped them out was a strong belief that the assumed impossible is very possible. Maybe I have shared this story before yet I would love to revisit it. I read it from one of my famous authors books by Mr Robert Kiyosaki. The story is about two agents who were sent by a big shoe producing company to scout new grounds. On reaching there, the first agent wired back a message, 'total disaster, they do not wear shoes'. A few minute later, the other agent also wired his message, 'good news, they do not wear shoes'. It's ALL about your mindset.

Without doubt, upbringing and environment has really affected the way we think. Some at a very early age have been brainwashed on how difficult it is to make wealth. The importance of settling for less. They just grow to become acquainted and satisfied with suffering. They don't try or risk anything, if they do, they will be scolded. I have heard and seen situations where people believe wealth is a sin. As funny as this may be, this is widespread news that needs to be curbed. Poor religious teachings backs this one up and I must say, one of the most difficult places to break a man out is his religious beliefs, be it truth or false.

short term gains is poverty mindset

Believe it or not, you cannot go far when thinking short term, you are already 'in short of knowledge' and progress. How often have we always wanted to see solutions instantly? Rarely do people want to sit down and build on a long run. That's why you see a lot of people jump into the gambling industries to waste time, efforts and resources. That statements of 'from frying pan to fire' becomes so true of them. Have you ever seen a successful gambler? Personally, I am yet to, if he is lucky or not I can't tell. All I know is this, gamblers always lose all they'd won plus the little they had and end up worsening their financial situations.

You must have heard me saying in the early paragraphs that money (assets) is the manipulation of numbers. Well, don't take these words for granted. It will take time to build true wealth coupled with that right mindset. Thinking long term in investing, creating a business or career is worthwhile. When you become too encircled with short term gains, your financial future will become blurred. The losses will so sweep you that you'll soon abandon ship.

If you've entangled yourself with a poverty mindset, I will say it's high time you drop that coat and take on the wealth covering. There is enough money in the system to make you a millionaire or atleast live that comfortable life. There are opportunities everywhere, just choose to be relentless. Keep searching and researching, good things comes to those who defy odds. I chose to change my mindset from scarcity to abundance and it has worked quite well for me. I am gradually building my financial ladder with my never give up mentality. The amazing part is, the moment I just started thinking this way, things changed.

To conclude,let me add, settling for less won't solve your problem. Allowing negativity to shape you will deter every impending success and path to financial freedom. It might have been a difficult one till date yet the change is left for you to make. Change your belief from scarcity to abundance and you'll find out that we are connected to what we believe. The world may get tougher yet those with the right mindset will continue to discover wealth generating opportunities. How would you feel if that person was you?.

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