Cash Only for 30 days update 2

in LeoFinance5 months ago

Over halfway through the month and it has been going good so far. We are on track to spend about 34% less than our average spending per month. I consider this a big win already!

It is 100% hard for me to hand over cash than to hand over my credit card!

I guess I like those green bills a bunch. LOL

Here are a few thing that I have noticed as the month has gone along.

I hate eating out with cash. I stare at the menu and search for the cheapest thing. I dont know what that is.

I hate having to deal with the change from purchases. Pennies are the worst. What am I supposed to do with all these pennies? Currently I am trying to fil up a jar with them and then ill cash that in at one of those coin counting machines sometime.

I don't browse online shopping for stuff anymore and I do not make random purchases that I will not be needing.

I have been better and meal prepping and taking a lunch to work. This then leads to going to the gym during lunch and thats always a good choice.

I guess you could say I am a fan now and I think I am creating some good habits that will follow me even after I go back to the credit card. Always good to step back and look at your finances and to cut in areas taht need it. I will share the final number and thoughts after the month ends.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Great job! It's a great way to control your spending and increase those savings!

@dkid14! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thebighigg. (31/50)

Keep it up….👍

This challenge.
There is a big movement around me to try and create a cash based economy (no digital)
around our local business's (farms, services (haircut, lawncare etc.)

Nice to see it is helping you cut down on spending.

There is a big movement around me to try and create a cash based economy (no digital)
around our local business's (farms, services (haircut, lawncare etc.)

Thats cool. I get some weird looks when i pull cash out these days. LOL !PIZZA

You could always turn those pennies into shotgun shells 😆


Surely a great way to conserve your resources, cutting down on spending I mean. I also hope the saved money will be used to make profitable investments to yield more money. I think you've done well with this proposal and I'm waiting for your update come the month's end, I might have to try this method myself. Have a nice day.


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$PIZZA slices delivered:
@dkid14(6/20) tipped @simplegame

The reason why I don’t buy things online anymore is that they sometimes bring something that is very different from what they ordered