Africa needs a working system to grow

in LeoFinance9 months ago

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Africa is an amazing place, but we all know it is far from perfect, and one of the challenges in Africa is that you are on your own because the government and the people around you can't do anything about your situation. That is why you must use this as your power and not your weakness but this can be very difficult with the lack of a good system.

I believe most weaknesses come when we can't see something through it makes us believe that even if we try our best the situation will not change, or even if change might happen, it might not be significant. This mentality makes us believe that we should live with our weaknesses because it feels as if no matter what we do, we will always fail.

We hate it when there is a constant wasted effort on something, so that's why things we believe things will not change no matter how we try and We normally leave them But the truth is, change does not have to happen immediately because the bill for not trying is always greater at the end.

Sometimes, some of us even understand this fact, and we work towards breaking our weaknesses, breaking the chain of poverty, so we keep on trying but of the lack of a good system that works in Africa makes it more difficult, that is why you see people who work twice as hard in Africa still struggle to feed themselves.

When you have a system that works It creates an understanding of how you want to live your life. For instance, we have some countries where if you graduate with good results, you will see a good job, and a graduate with average results can still see a good job. That is a system, It is simple and brings understanding and clarity but in Africa, nothing is guaranteed. You don't even know what will work we are all just trying.

The people who succeed in Africa are not always based on hard work, but because they have access to better information or connections. We have Those who just keep trying because don't have the opportunities, the information, and the connections to grow and after trying all their life without significant changes, they let their weakness win, and those who grew up in this environment just accept defeat without even trying.

They see no importance in education, technology, and so on and that is why they are so vulnerable. The government, fake pastors, fraudsters, and bad people manipulate and use this set of people. They already believe nothing good can change their situation and that is why they sell votes, join fraudsters, and look for quick money in a bad way because they don't want to end like their predecessor, they give up and let their weaknesses win.

Bad system

The poor governance in Africa, coupled with the absence of effective systems, has resulted in confusion among the younger generation. They have witnessed a situation where nothing appears to be functioning properly, including the education system and the ability to earn a decent livelihood. This state of affairs has led to confusion among both the youth and the elderly, making them susceptible to manipulation. Unfortunately, succeeding in this system often boils down to plain luck sometimes.

In many African countries, stopping corruption would likely result in the imprisonment of many individuals. We must unite to establish a more effective system of governance that benefits both current and future generations, as corruption cannot continue in Africa without significant changes being made.

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Thanks for your time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Indeed Africa is an amazing place,Land endowed with a lot of natural resources
A Land flowing with milk and honey


Thanks for stopping by

No doubt that the system has made more people weak and that has indirectly made the masses susceptible to giving up on their dreams of a better future.

I think if we are to create a better system for all, we as citizens and individuals will need to find a system that works and is more effective than the previous one.

system that works will reduce the crime rate and help
us to grow as a nation

I think that extends to more than just Africa or Nigeria. A lot of the governments are corrupt and even in the US, it exists. I do hope that the corruption can disappear and a better system can take its place, but that is hard.

Perception and orientation are very important when it comes to the matter of Africa, hmm maybe I'm too logical though.

Failure is sometimes a victory

Trust me!

I came from a very poor family that has no generational future when it comes to abundance of money or rather call it wealth. Coupled with the situation of Nigeria there's no way I can make it.

There's something called force of attraction, where the amount of your sacrifice will equate your result. If we continue to allow the situation of the country or Africa to drive us we will stay limited and nothing will be achieved.

I'm certain if you look at the situation of Africa, you will never be here building a future for yourself but you were able to rise above those limitations.

That's what I think, might seem too logical but that's the reality. Thanks for sharing Dwayne.

we must never let the situation and the problem of the country drive us, mentality change is very important in our growth

Truth 💯

they say be the change you want to see. But that’s like being a mumu because others will take you for a fool

nigerian loves advantage😂