Youth and vices

in LeoFinance10 months ago


One thing that is common among the youth is the abuse of drugs, and the government is doing nothing about it and this is why we have so many of them on the streets begging for food because they spend roughly almost all their income to take drugs.

Sometimes they beg as low as 5cent just to eat because they have used all their income on drugs and some of these guys are even rich but their consumption for drug is just too much and that is you we have youth dying every day and the percentage has gone up in recent years and this majorly affect their income and their health.

We have those that have a lot of money and there is no amount of drugs that can affect their income just because have a lot of resources but over time this damage their health and sometimes lead to serious health issues.

After money

One of the biggest mistakes people make is neglecting their health when they start to earn money. They expose themselves to various negative influences which can affect their health and their finances.

Some people will even take drugs for the sake of saying that it makes them work better and they already program their bodies to adapt to this formula that will eventually ruin them.

It add up

Health is wealth and as we look for money we must also take care of ourselves by eating healthy, sleeping well, and also avoid any vices that will jeopardize our life and our future. Drugs don't you better, they only kill you slowly and put your finances and health in bad conditions.

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Thanks for your time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Thanks for sharing. some of them even go get loan because they think they can't survive without taking drug,which is really affecting their finance.

Wealth without healthy life is zero,well I guess I need to say the government,mentors, and leaders of different sectors are trying just the way you're trying to pass it out now. The energy is we shouldn't stop.

Drug as never give energy for work,but addiction as only programmed it to the brain to look like that.

I have ensured never to take drug to keep me awake or help me sleep. Nature has a way of correcting itself. My fear is that even when they beg for money, they'll probably use same money to buy drugs.

Health indeed is wealth. Thank you for sharing

I agree that health is important. A lot of people don't take it as seriously but it's something people should consider. It doesn't matter how much money you have if you can't spend it. It's better to find a balance between health and money.