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RE: IRS Changes The Crypto Question For 2022 Tax Returns

in LeoFinancelast year

Imagine someone not clicking the claim button on blog rewards for an entire year so they could say they didn't receive crypto that year. Judging by the increase of complexity and legal-speak associated with the change I assume there are going to be some very interesting loopholes that people come up with.

The most annoying thing about all of this is that it massively incentivizes deflationary networks with token caps and punishes high inflation tokens with yield even though there is very little justification for doing so.


Just do 100% powered up, then you have no taxable events until you power down. At least in terms of blog rewards.

Right right I've actually mentioned this before but it skipped my mind.
VESTS being non-tradeable can be pretty useful in this context.

I agree. Great observation regarding incentives/disincentives for deflationary vs inflationary networks.